How to Improve Your Landscape Photography by Planning Ahead

Planning is a crucial part of landscape photography, often being the foundation of a truly compelling image. Proper planning can make the difference between an average shot and a keeper. This tutorial focuses on how to effectively plan your shots, particularly how to predict weather conditions to enhance your landscape photos.

Coming to you from Christian Irmler - Landscape Photography, this insightful video emphasizes the importance of weather planning in landscape photography. Irmler discusses how weather impacts the mood and atmosphere of an image. For instance, fog, mist, or snowfall can create a soft, ethereal look, ideal for capturing smaller landscapes or woodland scenes. On the other hand, dramatic weather conditions like stormy skies, red sunsets, or rainbows can add intensity to wide-open vistas. 

Irmler explains that he uses various tools, such as weather maps, to predict weather patterns. These maps, which are available for free, help photographers anticipate conditions that can affect the lighting and atmosphere of their images. For example, by predicting the shape of clouds or the likelihood of a red sky, you can choose the best time and place to capture your shot. 

The video also highlights the importance of location-scouting in combination with weather planning. Irmler uses Google Maps to identify potential photo spots, considering the direction and quality of light based on the predicted weather. This helps in visualizing different compositions and planning how to use the landscape's features to enhance the photo. For instance, he looks for elements like mountains, rocks, or trees that can serve as focal points or foreground interest in the image. This preparation allows him to optimize his time in the field, focusing on capturing the perfect shot rather than searching for locations. You can also use apps like PhotoPills for this stage.

Moreover, Irmler emphasizes the need for long-term planning. Staying connected with nature and regularly exploring potential locations can significantly improve your landscape photography. Even when you don’t have much time for photography, going for walks in interesting areas can help you discover new spots and understand their photographic potential. By regularly visiting these locations, you can observe how different weather conditions affect them, allowing you to plan more effectively when the ideal conditions arise. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Irmler.

And if you really want to dive into landscape photography, check out our latest tutorial, "Photographing the World: Japan With Elia Locardi!" 

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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