Improve Your Landscape Photography Composition With One Element

Composition can be one of the hardest skills of landscape photography to learn for more pleasing images. The rules can be overwhelming: the rule of thirds, leading lines, golden ratio, and more. This video brings it all down to one element to help master composition and landscape photography.

Learning good composition can be one of the most important components of improving your landscape photography. In this video, Nigel Danson helps break down landscape photography composition from all the rules regarding the topic to just one basic element he looks for in all of his photos.

Danson shows a variety of example images to illustrate the importance of balance in landscape photography composition. He shows many compositions to help demonstrate how to look for balance in an image, using markup on the images during the video to clearly show this basic element.

Danson discusses balance, from arranging objects in the scene to elements of tone, contrast, and even asymmetrical balance. There are a variety of ways a landscape photographer can use balance to create great compositions of the landscape.

Finally, Danson reveals two excellent techniques for evaluating the composition of your image and finding distracting elements or confirming the composition works well.

Of all things landscape photography, composition is one I continue to work to master. This video from Danson helps break landscape photography composition down to one basic element that is easily applied in the field or back home editing photos.

Jeffrey Tadlock's picture

Jeffrey Tadlock is an Ohio-based landscape photographer with frequent travels regionally and within the US to explore various landscapes. Jeffrey enjoys the process and experience of capturing images as much as the final image itself.

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