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Jeffrey Tadlock
Grove City, OH

Articles written by Jeffrey Tadlock

From Fuji to Nikon for More Creative Options

Is your camera system holding you back? Is it limiting your creativity in ways you aren’t aware of? Maybe working around the system's quirks or playing to its strengths causes you to overlook or avoid other creative elements of your photography. That is the reason for this camera system switch in this video.

Teaching a Landscape Photographer How to Photograph Wildlife

Are you a landscape photographer wanting to start photographing wildlife? You may have the art of landscape photography figured out, but photographing wildlife is a whole other challenge. Don’t let that deter you, as this video shares several fantastic tips for getting started.

What Your Favorite Lens Says About Your Personality

Some landscape photographers enjoy getting out into nature by themselves and away from others—the introvert. Other landscape photographers enjoy heading out with others and carrying the conversation—the extrovert. Did you know you can tell which personality you are by your favorite lens?

Improve Your Photography by Getting the Reps In

As photographers looking to improve our craft, we watch YouTube videos, buy online training, read articles, and maybe even take a class or two. We can pursue our quest for information and consume all of these trainings and never see a marked improvement. The key to getting better? Get those reps in.

Are You Fixing Exposure in Your Landscape Photos Incorrectly?

Exposing for the highlights is age-old advice in landscape photography. However, that technique can cause other areas of the photograph to be underexposed. You can always use the exposure slider in Lightroom to increase the exposure, but is that really the best way to fix the exposure in the image?

Photographing Woodlands Without Fog: Can It Be Done?

Woodland photography is hard enough for landscape photographers, but what about when there isn’t any fog? Fog is the cheat code for this type of photography, but do you just need to head home when there isn’t any fog? We find out in this video.

The Ugly Truth About Landscape Photography

In today’s world of social media and YouTube, it is easy to think every time a photographer goes out, they come back home with portfolio-ready images. If you begin to believe this, it can impact your own landscape photography. This video looks at the real truth behind landscape photography.

The Hidden 'Mask Anything' Tool in Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom has continued to become more powerful over the years. If it has been a while since you have used Lightroom, you might be surprised at how far it has come. Masking is an area where the software has greatly improved, including a tool that could have been called the Mask Anything tool.

Persistence Makes Great Landscape Photographers

Some people think great landscape photographers are just lucky, always at the right place at the right time. The reality is great landscape photographers are persistent. Making portfolio-worthy images often entails repeat visits to areas to find the ideal composition paired with stunning conditions.

Can You Learn Everything About Landscape Photography From YouTube?

YouTube has made it easier to improve your landscape photography. Videos are available about any facet of the topic you could want to explore. Are you confused about a technique? There is a video for it. But can you really learn everything about landscape photography from YouTube?

Enhancing the Atmosphere of Your Landscape Photos in Lightroom

Landscape photographers look forward to days with foggy conditions, which help create interesting scenes to photograph. But timing your outing with those types of conditions isn’t always possible. Using Lightroom, you can use several techniques to enhance the atmosphere of your photos.

Five Essential Tips for Protecting Your Camera in the Rain

Embracing inclement weather, such as rain, can help add interest to your landscape photographs. Rain can add richness to colors, atmospheric mist, or even dark, moody clouds for grand scenes. But how do you protect your camera gear in these conditions? Here are five tips to help keep your camera safe.

The Art of Landscape Photography From Start To Finish

Are you wondering what makes some landscape photographers' photos stand out more than others? It all begins with how you make the photograph in the field, but it doesn't stop there. Understanding the editing process helps carry the vision through to the final photograph.

Is ISO 100 Always Right for Landscape Photography?

As landscape photographers, we hear it all the time: "Always use ISO 100 for your photos. That is the only way to get the crispest and cleanest image." Is this true, though? Should we be afraid of using a higher ISO? Or are there times you should use a higher ISO? We find out in this video.

Fixing Your Landscape Photography Editing Mistakes

Capturing landscape photography images is only half of the process. Mastering the art of editing will help strengthen your images by finding the balance between too much editing and not enough editing of the photograph. This video highlights some common editing mistakes landscape photographers make.

Gatekeeping in Landscape Photography: Good or Bad?

Whether to share locations in landscape photography is a frequent topic of discussion in landscape photographer communities. People get frustrated when they ask where a photo was taken and the photographer won’t tell them. Are they gatekeeping, or are they trying to protect the natural landscape?

Tips for Photographing Dramatic Seascapes

Photographing a seascape with crashing waves along the shore and the movement of the water can be a challenge for a landscape photographer. This video provides several tips on capturing dramatic images from the seashore with an ultrawide lens.

A Landscape Photographer's Guide to Cost-Effective Travel

While many have tips for keeping travel expenses low regionally, what happens when you start flying to landscape photography destinations? Things that work with regional travel don’t scale when limited on what you can bring. I have several tips for keeping travel costs low when flying to your destination.

Don’t Use This Button in Adobe Lightroom

Photographers are always looking for ways to improve their editing process. Often, a particular piece of advice is given to use a specific option in Lightroom to help nudge your photo in the right direction. This video talks about why you should never use that option.

Mastering Awareness to Improve Your Landscape Photography

Photographers often chase the "best" camera gear or ask, "what settings did you use?" in hopes of improving their own landscape photography. Mastering your tools is an ingredient of stunning images but not the only one. Acute awareness of your environment is also a key component.