After COVID-19 hit many photography schools canceled face-to-face workshops due to the coronavirus pandemic. And though many have struggled through, Nikon School based in London have decided to shut their Nikon Centre for Excellence building.
Nikon School in the U.K. decided to take their teaching online during the pandemic outbreak, and have reported great success from running live virtual classes which include talks from top professional photographers, and Nikon Ambassadors such as Hollywood film photographer Jasin Boland and Helen Sloane (Game of Thrones official photographer). The move online has been incredibly positive and the school has received over 3,000 new bookings and has, to date, provided online education to over 2,000 passionate photographers.

Online classes and virtual tours are already on offer on the Nikon School website. Image by Neil Freeman via Nikon School
Previously they had run group and one-to-one classes from their center in central London from the likes of Joe McNally and many other high profile Nikon shooters, but the decision to move online is seen as a positive one. In response to the changes, Julian Harvie, Head of Marketing at Nikon Northern Europe comments:
As Nikon’s community understands only too well, photography is about the creative interpretation of the world
around us. We no longer require a physical classroom to educate and inspire when there is so much out
there we want to capture.

Nikon School, now online, teaches customers how to use its camera systems such as the Nikon Z 6
So although it's sad Nikon School will be closing the premises at Margaret Street, in London, customers will still be able to make face-to-face contact when that starts again by joining their location workshops and meet-ups. It also opens up a lot more online training to anyone around the world who wants to learn how to use their kit, or get started in specific photographic disciplines.