One Of The Most Insane GoPro Videos You’ve Probably Ever Seen - And Why It’s Gone Viral

You might not know who Candide Thovex is now, but trust me, by the time you finish this article, you will probably be more than a little in awe of him. His latest video is averaging 1.5 million hits a day and counting since going live last week. It could easily be the single best action spots video we’ll see all year. Today, I’ll break down why I think it’s so successful, and how we can apply the same techniques to our own work.

IKEA Releases 100 Cats Into a Store and the Result is Beautiful

When I ran across this earlier today I assumed that it was going to be some sort of hilarious disaster. A herd of cats running around a furniture store completely unchecked? Bring on the mayhem! Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be as beautiful and heartwarming as the final commercial is. There is a behind the scenes video after the jump where they talk a bit about "the plan"

The Average Faces of Women Around the World has published the results of a recent experiment where experimental psychologists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland have combined the faces of women around to world to approximate the "average face" of each country. Using a modern version of the technique that Sir Francis Galton pioneered in the 1800's, multiple images of faces are aligned and composited together to form the final result.

Vintage Crime Scene Photos Superimposed on Modern NY Streets (Warning: Graphic)

Photographer and historian Marc Hermann has done a beautiful job pulling historic crime scene photos from the New York Daily News archive to blend them with photographs of the same locations today. For those who live in New York now, it may be easy to forget just how rough the city was in the not-too-distant past.

The Stun Gun Photoshoot:  Portraits of People's Faces When Hit With A Stun Gun

As a portrait photographer, I am always trying to make people feel comfortable in front of my camera so I can capture a real emotion from them. But what if I was able to make people feel so uncomfortable in front of the camera that I could guarantee an interesting portrait every time? This is the idea behind my latest series: The Stun Gun Photoshoot. I've edited two different videos as well as a behind the scenes in the full post below.

[UPDATED] The Color Run Sues College Photographer After He Asks for Compensation for Image

[The Color Run and Maxwell Jackson have come to a joint resolution since this article was published. For more info scroll to the bottom of this post for links to their site which has up to date posts on the entire situation.]

"The Best, the Biggest...The Happiest 5k on the Planet" is how the Color Run likes to describe itself to its 2.6 million Facebook fans. But don't let that fool you. The company is suing 21 year old photographer, Maxwell Jackson, because he claims they used his photo illegally. Say what?

Jeff Bridges Honored for His Photography

Jeff Bridges has been nominated for six Academy Awards and has won once (for 'Crazy Heart'). He can now add another honor to his list of awards. This week at the 29th annual Infinity Awards, he is being nominated for his photography. 'The Dude' has been shooting on-set images of the films he has worked on since 1984, and his work gives us a peek at a world most people never get to see.

The Robots Are Coming, but There's One Thing They Can't Touch

We've always known that robots are coming for all of our jobs, but in the past year, we've started to see them clank out of the shadows. There are few areas that are safe from their shiny mitts, but there is one thing that is impossible for AI to replicate and usurp.
Get Free Unlimited Google Drive Storage

By now, you should already know the importance of backing up your data, and while storage (even cloud storage) isn't all that expensive these days it's still an expense. So here is my holiday gift to you: unlimited Google Drive storage for free. See for yourself if you qualify.

NFTs Are a Pyramid Scheme and People Are Already Losing Money

Photographers, filmmakers, and digital artists are falling over themselves to mint NFTs in a get-rich-quick scheme that will do little beyond transferring wealth from artists to tech billionaires. Why are so many people buying into the idea that something is rare because everyone says it is?

Latest GoPro HERO4 News - The Best Action Cam Gets Even Better

It seems like everyone and their accountants have known someone who had the inside scoop on the details surrounding the highly anticipated GoPro 4. Every week, Facebook feeds would explode with the latest outlandish rumors, getting even the most tepid of us excited. Well, these latest rumors may in fact be the real deal.

"ReMoved" - An Incredible film by Nathanael Matanick

In just over a week this film has received well over 250,000 views on Vimeo and Youtube, and seems to be going viral on Facebook right now. Nathanael Matanick, also known as "Heschle", has pulled together an incredibly emotional story to bring awareness to the importance of the foster program, and the need for quality foster parents. Please dedicate 13 minutes of your day to watch this straight through without interruption, and I suggest in full screen mode.

Here Comes the New Canon Full Frame Mirrorless Camera

Canon has done quite well in rounding out its full frame mirrorless camera lineup, offering models like the ultra-affordable EOS RP, the do-everything EOS R5, and the top-shelf EOS R3, with a few other models spread in between. Now that the line is well established, the time to start replacing older models is just about here, and that will begin in just a few months.

Wedding Photographer Gets Photobombed by Celebrity in NY

Wouldn't it be fun to see one of your photos go viral? We just never quite know when one of our photos hits a thread with the right person, they share it, and the photo is suddenly being talked about by hundreds of thousands. This evening, wedding photographer Sascha Reinking, suspected he might have seen a celebrity, Zach Braff, photobombing a wedding photo he took while on the streets of NYC and tweeted the photo to him not expecting much to happen. About an hour later the photo is being seen by hundreds of thousands of people.

Airbus Puts Five Enormous A350 Passenger Jets In Formation For Epic Photoshoot

In what surely must be one of the highest budget-to-film-length ratios in history, Airbus put five of its brand-new 300 million dollar A350 XWB planes together for a photoshoot. While most of the clips last only a few seconds, the amount of planning and preparation to pull something like this off is just staggering. With two chase planes, five hero planes, and the stakes as high as ever, watch how Airbus plans and pulls off this truly epic feat of filming and aviation.

All the Ports You Need: We Review the Ugreen USB-C Triple Display 13-in-1 Docking Station

Laptops are more powerful than ever, easily capable of replacing a desktop for many creatives. However, when it comes to the needs of creatives, the ports on most laptops simply aren't enough to cover everything. Enter the docking station. In this review, we take a look at the Ugreen USB-C Triple Display 13-in-1 Docking Station and if it can cover all the needs of a demanding professional.

What You Don't Know About This Photograph Has the Power To Change Opinions

This gruesome photograph became pivotal anti-war propaganda that drastically shaped public opinion. The horrific frozen frame depicts a baptismal moment of unwavering distinction, a moment in a time that could not be undone, an elevated wartime tension that could not be unraveled. In this sense, the photograph was successful. It was shocking and characteristic in its ability to drive the anti war movement, protesting against brutality of the Vietnam conflict. But, what you can't see, is enough to change your perspective completely.

Can You Tell The Difference Between a $100 Lens and a $1600 Lens?

One of the most popular lens lengths on the market is the 50mm. As a Canon shooter I have a few different choices to pick from at that length, but the three most popular seem to be the 50mm 1.8, 50mm 1.4 and 50mm 1.2. While on a shoot last week I decided to play with all three lenses and shoot a few photos to see how different each lens was from each other. Here are my results.

The Best Thing for the Camera Industry Is for Nikon to Exit

Current orthodoxy in the camera market is based around the triumvirate of Sony, Nikon, and Canon. They hold the keys to the professional full frame sector, supported by wide ranging lens systems. However the last decade has taught us that change is normal, so would the best future for the sector lie in Nikon ending camera production?

The End of Professional Photography

Every year, I've had to hear about how a new technology was going to kill the photography industry. I ignored it all, until now.

Watch This Startling Shark Attack and Appreciate All That Cameras Do

There is a good chance this video will make you jump. You may even pee your pants just a little. The REMUS SharkCam equipped with GoPro cameras gives us a clear view of what it would be like to be attacked by a great white. Watching this video I couldn't help but appreciate how cameras have opened the world to us. How else could we experience something like this...

The iPhone Fashion Shoot By Lee Morris

A few weeks ago I did a full fashion photo shoot with my iPhone 3gs. I posted a few of the images and asked people to critique them (never exposing that they were shot on my cell phone). I couldn't help but laugh when a few of our readers claimed that these were "the best images I had ever taken." Nobody ever claimed that they were too grainy, too soft, or lacked detail. View this full post to read the full story and see the high res shots from this photoshoot. ><
Photographer Harassed by Woman in Park

A family photographer who was in the middle of photographing young children in a public park was verbally harassed by a woman who was upset that the photographer was using the park for photo sessions earlier this week.

11 Free Apps I Couldn't Live Without as a Photographer

This is not your typical list of must have photography apps — no Snapchat, Instagram, or Photoshop here. Although you might not have heard of many of the names I'm about to recommend to you, each one has earned its place on my phone because it plays a part in making my life as a photographer much easier.