"Within the photo world, fashion photography is one of the most sought-after careers, and it’s easy to see why. It can be limitlessly lucrative, glamorous and high profile – making it an extremely competitive branch of the business to break into. Without the know-how to properly shoot fashion photos and the savvy to market yourself, it can be nearly impossible to get established.
That's where Fashion Photography Exposed comes in. In this utterly comprehensive and supremely educational DVD, famed fashion photographer Melissa Rodwell will show you step by step how to get started and succeed. From lighting, gear, and the technical aspects of capturing fashion images; to the importance of putting together a great team; to understanding the business side; to marketing your portfolio - Fashion Photography Exposed is a tell-all, no-holds-barred educational tool that will help you forge your exciting path in fashion photography."
Get all the details and pre-order from:

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That's another DVD onto the list, thanks for posting Kenn!
Looks good, will certainly pre-order.
Looks intriguingly complete both with content and packaging.
Interesting question beyond this specific offering:Anyone had a BAD experience with an expensive training DVD or such? There are endless offerings competing for our precious income.
Looks like a sure winner. Got to put it on my Christmas list...
$299 + shipping? ouch!
Why don't people offer download versions to save on the shipping cost, especially when it is international?
Holy shit! This looks fucking amazing. ::Drool::
Hey Kenn, Thanks for the post. Interesting, Inspiring, & full of knowledge. I got get my hands on this DVD.
I can't wait for this! I have been following her since around the time she started the blog and's great.
So many were shocked with the $299 price for the Hurley Headshots dvd. I don't see much opposition to the price here...
$300 for a video or lecture by anyone at the top of their craft and respected by their piers is ultimately a small price to pay if you adapt that knowledge to your own work.
The website link asks for logon details and then kicks me out.
goto and hopefully the other site will go back online soon
yeah it's asking for a name and password...
She mentioned on that there's an issue with the website right now so they had to temp take it down. FSTOPPER ya'll may have to show her some server setup schemes :D
The problem with these dvd is the price not the content. I have been following her blog for a very long time and she is a very good shooter. But..........BUT, dvd's like these are hard to push because there are equally informative videos on Youtube and Vimeo, man of the times from them on other interviews, so this makes it hard to push a $299 dvd. When you have blog with constant updates and coverage, people feel like you are already showing them you know when you post on your blog. Joey L had a dvd and I watched it. He is VERY good, but his dvd was not. Not that it didn't teach a FEW nice tricks, but it didn't teach you how to be as good as him. I don't want to have anyone's style so I don't expect to be taught how to be as good or similar to them, but I know some people (especially some people that post on this site) do want to know those techniques that make the photo LOOK that way.
If you want to sell a ton of these dvd's you need to think of exposure for profit and not just big time one shot transactions. When your product is good, but TOO expensive, you are just asking for it to be pirated by angry people.
By contrast, Adoroma provides videos almost everyday that provide enough education for any growing photographer to understand photography. What it does not do is give you a style, but Melissa's will not do this either as her style is the way she views the world.
If this dvd provided contact phone numbers to editors, or retouchers, or people who can get your portfolio into the hands of art directors, I would see the $299 price tag, but that wont happen.
I like Melissa and her work, and her blog. There are just so many just as good photographers with free video clips out there. Though they may not talk and tell you what they are doing, you just need to look around the clip and you will see they lighting setup. The camera settings are almost always the same across the board. F8-F11 in the studio with strobes so everything is in focus, shutter speed 200-250 unless you shoot with a leaf shutter. The rest is lighting and post. There really is no magic in any basic type of photography like fashion. You can almost have awful lighting and if the model and the clothes are important, the shot is important. IE Terry Richardson.
I think if you have zero knowledge of real fashion photography, you should buy a dvd like this from a source like Melissa because she is the real deal. If you already have knowledge of fashion photography and you just need some inspiration, youtube hunt and buy more fashion magazines. If you don't even like fashion but just want to be known as a fashion photographer (you don't care about fashion week, who runs Vogue, the current kings of fashion photography, or the names of important fashion magazines that if you are good you would one day be shooting for) just stop pressing the fashion photography thing so much and move on. Passion for the craft is what makes you better, the rest will come.
Hear hear!
I use and for $ 250 per year one gets an amazing amount of information and they have in the last few months added interviews with photographers about their work and style.
I was tempted to purchase this DVD from Melissa Rodwell, but I am only interested in the business side and networking, but I am getting this type of information from blogs anyway.
To themsqauredgroup :
This is the producer of the Fashion Photography Exposed DVD writing you.
I just wanted to say to you and to everyone else who is upset about the cost; To please keep the comments to yourselves until you've seen the actual DVD....
I know that I am too close to the project to really say anything. But, I can honestly tell you that this DVD is unlike any other educational DVD you have ever seen before. Anybody who knows Melissa personally will tell you she is one of the most honest / humble people they've ever met and this DVD reflects that tenfold.
Secondly, the question you have to ask yourself is: how much 20+ years of real-world knowledge within the industry is worth? Is it worth the amount of money you would spend on a college degree, perhaps? I have payed my own fair share for educational products. I've ordered Natalia Taffarel's DVD, tutorials, Kelby Training, pretty much everything I know about graphic design and retouching has been from my online education and I couldn't even put a price tag on how invaluable that information has been to me...
To be straight with you, the DVD might actually make you NOT want to get into Fashion Photography because of the reality of the industry and how difficult it can be and we put it out there... Why? Because We have to give our readers the truth, not the "Hokey Pokey" your going to "Make it" overnight speech. AND because it may save you years of trial and error plus the amount of money spens investing in expenses, gear, etc. and THAT kind of information to me... is priceless.
It would be impossible to judge this DVD off of the 3 minute trailer alone. So, again, I ask you to please keep your comments to yourself until you have sat through the entire 3 hour DVD that is about to launch.
David Skyler
Dear David,
Can you please make this DVD downloadable?
As I'm interested in the video content, paying $70 plus for shipping the package and booklet to Germany is a bit too much.
FStoppers made their recent DVD downloadable.