At Fstoppers we love having our readership contribute articles to the site. There is a dedicated link on our contact page that makes it easy to send in your pitch. Your suggestion is sent to all of the Fstoppers writers and this gives you many opportunities for someone to find your pitch interesting and have it be published on the site.
Although I have been a staff writer here at Fstoppers for under a year, I’ve seen a lot of poorly conceived approaches for article suggestions. Let’s take a look at some actual solicitations and how they could have been approved. We will start with the obvious — don’t compromise the integrity of the site.

A pitch to Fstoppers that suggests trading content for links

Example of a pitch to Fstoppers that is too self-serving.
Had the writer of the pitch spoken to several photographers and offered to submit an article on techniques that are working for top photographers in the wedding industry, it would feel more organic and be of interest to the writers and editors at Fstoppers. Or had they suggested an article titled, “How You Can Apply The Techniques and Tactics of Today’s Top Wedding Photographers” it might have been of interest to Fstoppers.
At the risk of being blunt, I will state that our readership is more interested in themselves than they are in you. They are intrigued by an article titled, “How You Can Create Amazing Images in a Rainstorm” because it can help them improve their craft. They are less interested in“How I Created Interesting Images in a Rainstorm”.
Recently we received an article submission from photographer Kristie LaRochelle who submitted a post she had written for her blog about her approach to industrial photography. I reached out to her and explained that the article in its current form was best suited for her blog and not the Fstoppers platform. I suggested I interview her to create an article with a broader appeal. Her submission wasn’t suited for Fstoppers, but I could create an article with a broader appeal if I interviewed her. That article was titled, “Five Shots You Need to Get When You Are an Industrial Photographer”. Below is another example of a pitch that reads like a commercial for one photographer rather than an actual article suited for an online photography magazine.

A pitch to Fstoppers that is too self-serving.

A pitch to Fstoppers that would have benefited from including more information.
While we all live on the same planet we are also living in our microcosm of that larger world. And in that microcosm, we have things that are common to us, but foreign to others. As a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, terms like side control, x-guard, and seatbelt are common to me and I speak to dozens of people each week who understand what I mean when I use these terms. At Fstoppers, we receive pitches where the person making the pitch has assumed that we will understand the significance of the product, person, or event that they have mentioned.
In the pitch below, there is. A reference to an elopement photographer. I have never heard that term. Using context clues I can deduce that the term refers to a photographer who shoots people who have eloped in Colorado. For the pitch, the photographer could have just used the term wedding photographer since we all understand what that means. The fact that this photographer shoots elopements rather than weddings wasn’t relevant to the pitch itself.

A pitch to Fstoppers that uses terminology that is not commonly known.
If the camera was the most expensive camera of its time, then maybe that should have been included in the pitch. A stronger pitch for this article might read, “22 years later, A look back at the Nikon Coolpix 990, a camera ignored by the very users who would have benefited most from its features.” Or, “22 years later, a look back at the Nikon Coolpix 990, a camera that has features still missing from today’s pro models.”

A pitch to Fstoppers that is lacking context.
To hook the reader the article needs to offer something unique or out of the ordinary that would be known only to an expert in that area of photography. A better pitch might be, “How to Take Better Landscape Photographs Without Using Expensive Gear” or “How Photographing Senior Citizens Made Me A Better Landscape Photographer”.

A pitch to Fstoppers that is too vague.
Here is another pitch that is so vague as to be pointless. There is nothing in the itch to entice the reader to click the link.

A pitch to Fstoppers that is too vague
Let’s conclude with a look at a pitch that is well done. Below is an excerpt from that pitch and you will note that the solicitor understands that an article needs to have an audience. The pitch lists 4 different types of photographers who might find value in the article.

A pitch to Fstoppers that is well done.
Truncated my own message. Nothing to see here.
If the video has really loud, bad music playing underneath the talking, then I'm definitely interested.
If you open with a guy rearing a baseball cap (regular or backwards are ok) saying "Hi Guys!" I'll be watching all ten minutes and fifteen seconds, and definitely will like and smash the subscribe button. Bonus points for the entire video is the guy talking to the camera.
The opening gambit is actually ‘what is goin on youtoooob’
I admit I am a bit behind the times...
I mainly follow British landscape photographers on there so its safe to say the caps are normally worn forward and they don't end every sentence with the word Bro :)
Has ownership of fstoppers changed? It sure feels like a different place lately.
It would be good if you wrote more than 1 sentence. I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Different in what way?
They used to have contests and the owners were more involved in the past I feel, but Lee posted an article within the hour after my post so that was it.
I understand the need to pay the bills with ad clicks, but before I prepare a pitch, are you interested the esoteric, such as camera equipment modification/fabrication, vintage lens reviews, odd-ball techniques and improvisations, etc.?
This would be words with photos, not videos. I rarely look at videos, and assume there are others like me out there. I have a long list of publications, including monthly columns and art director for a print publication.
I note that such things are not about the latest and greatest that people click-through to generate ad revenue…
I'm pretty new to Fstoppers so I'm not an expert on this topic. But I think articles that give information that readers could apply to their own photography are of most interest. Of less interest would be some modificaiotn you've made in your own photography that no one else is likely to apply. As an example, I had my Leica M10 monochrom engraved by Leica. I don't think anyone wants to read an article about how I modified my own camera with my own initials for my own enjoyment. But if I had made a modification to that same camera that others could do -maybe I put a piece of glowing tape on the camera to help me see the shutter speed numbers in the dark, then I think maybe there are readers who would find that interesting.
Yea, I agree that making a cosmetic change to your camera is probably not of interest.
I was talking about making changes that give your equipment unique capabilities, such as this:
This makes me glad im just a reader:)
Thanks so much for the great explanation of what not to do and what should be done. Was the last example, the well done pitch, successful in getting picked up as an article?
I am planning to write that one up in a day or two.
Have you read the comments that accompany articles that Alex Cooke has written? All he does is post links to YouTube videos which the majority of the commentators do not like, if there are any comments; which many of his article have none. When a brand like DPReview does post a link to a video, at least they interview the originator of the video. When Fstoppers posts original content, it is great, especially the videos from Patrick and sometimes Lee. I am surprised on the recent article the Lee wrote about Rhino sliders that he did not include "Coming to you from..." in the second paragraph. Maybe he did not get the memo?
I don't disagree with you on Alex, but you have to look at the number of articles he presents on regular basis and imagine the volume on a weekly basis to realize what he does. I've criticized some of his articles and I have been the first to recommend some from him as well. He brings a super wide variety of articles, over 5000 in fact so far. Others write very nice articles but not as diversified and writing obviously takes longer. So I think we need the two because that gives more time for writer of full content to create better quality and skip the sloppy. Just a guess, but I don't think they make a fortune writing and I don't see why they would work on deadlines pressure. I think Alex does pretty good overall.
The original articles I have written for Fstoppers have taken me around 6-10 hours each. Coming up with the introductory paragraph is hardest but trying to convey information clearly in writing is time consuming and much more so than just stating that same information in a video. It's also a struggle to not continually repeat common words like, "photographer, images, shooting and capture". I turn in one article per week and I defintely feel the deadline pressue you mention.
Thank you for your take. And yes, that's exactly it. Fstoppers really has two functions: to provide quality original content, whether opinions, education, reviews, etc., and to serve as a content aggregator where people can find some of the best content around the internet that they either might not find otherwise or, if they are less experienced, not know whether to trust or not.
As you noted, producing original articles is really tough, and as EIC, I want to get out of the way of my writers and make their lives as easy as possible when it comes to this, so I generally handle the majority of the reposts so they can focus on writing originals because they're more rewarding and because it allows Fstoppers to bring the unique perspectives of literally dozens of professional photographers, which no other site can claim to do. And I do write original articles; I've written over 300, in fact. But most days, my focus is on supporting the writers, which is why Fstoppers puts out at least two (and often up to four) long-form original articles a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Not many other blogs (in any industry) can claim to do that.
And the reposts are more popular than you might think. Sure, they get some detracting comments from a few of the same people, but they consistently get high numbers of views, and YouTube creators reach out to me all the time to thank me for sharing their content and growing their audience, so I see it as a win-win. Of course, readers can't see those stats that I can, but I would be a pretty terrible EIC if I kept posting content that wasn't popular. I love when I can find an up-and-coming channel that deserves a much bigger audience than it has and help show it off to the world, and I'm constantly re-examining what I post and tweaking it to be better.
All this is to say that there is a deliberate method to the madness, and we pay more attention than it might seem on the surface.
With the number of “articles” that Alex posts, tells me he’s not very busy as a professional photographer.
I know nothing about his business as a photographer. I can tell you that my photography represent a good portion of what I do, but I also do a lot of image prepress work that can take me more time than the actual photography time I spend to capturing those images. Prepress is foreign to most photographers and the rgb color world today, yet photoshop was largely a prepress tool when it started. My point is that as a photographer, your income can come from a variety of sources linked to photography. I think you have to have an advanced knowledge of the topic to write or search for related videos. May be he does more fstoppers now due to slow down from Covid, I don't know. Lots of things can change any time in life but if it's a good opportunity for him to stick with photography, why not. Lots of photographers have become instructors, doesn't mean they are not good photographers, but who knows why they decide to do it and start their own private online classes. Can be loss of interest or loss of clients but if you think about it, some may have reached an evolutionary point where they become too expensive and don't get hired any more. I don't think one can drop his/her price all a sudden, call a lost account and expect getting it back. Being able to diversify at opportunistic times is not a bad thing.
Quit your belly-achin' and bookmark this:
And, contrary to your assumption, I love videos. I queue them on a playlist and watch them while working, cooking, cleaning, in the garage, etc.
Out of all the members, there's only like 3 of you that constantly complain about videos. My guess is you're coming here via some (social media) neewsfeed which does not display the play icon on the thumbnails. If that's the case, I would suggest you visit the site directly so you can tell easily if the article is a video and who the author is.
Guys been a serial whiner about the quality of articles for years by the looks of it… why not just stop visiting?
For some of these guys (sadly, adults), they're not content with their lives unless they cry about something, anything. Instead of steering clear of whatever aches them, they steer right into it.
Kind of late for an April Fools joke. Funny that you consider a one or two paragraph introduction to a YouTube video you are posting a link to is an article.