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John Ricard
New York City, NY

Articles written by John Ricard

Adobe Celebrates 35 Years of Photoshop With a New Video Series

Adobe's Photoshop software is so prevalent today that the name itself has morphed into a verb that refers to the process of editing an image in any given software. Over the years, Photoshop has acquired editing and AI-based features that weren't even dreamed of by the early adopters of the software. Most digital photographers cannot remember a time when the program didn't exist since its existence predates the widespread adoption of digital photography by almost a decade.

Adobe Announces Firefly Generative AI Video Model

A videographer must master both the process of shooting and the process of editing to create a compelling final video. During the shooting phase, you capture the scenes necessary to assemble the final project in the editing phase. Once you begin editing, your only option is to work with the footage you captured during shooting. If you neglected to film a particular shot, there is no way to create it later. Today marks a paradigm shift with Adobe's announcement of a Firefly Video Model in public beta, making it possible to create video footage from scratch.

Two Weeks With the Leica M11-D and I’m Ready to Hand Over $9,000

Since the inception of digital photography, every camera marketed to consumers has had a large LCD screen. Without this screen, it is not possible to set preferences for basic camera operation, nor can you verify that you are capturing images at the correct exposure. Without a rear screen, you can’t confirm that the camera has captured an image when you press the shutter button.

Adobe Announces Live Co-Editing Tool

When setting up a shoot for a client, it is important to have clear communication among all parties involved in the shoot. Once the shoot is over, however, communication about how the deliverables are to be prepared is just as important. To make this communication as smooth as possible, Adobe has announced a new tool that will be added to Photoshop.

Adobe Announces Reflection Removal Feature

One skill a photographer must develop is determining which elements in a scene have the most potential to draw the viewer’s attention in the final image. Reducing the visual mass of distracting elements is crucial in directing the viewer’s attention. Sometimes, it is a matter of physically moving an object in the composition. Other times, it’s a matter of the photographer moving their position. Using a different focal length can help to emphasize or de-emphasize certain elements.

Download These Raw+JPEG Files From Sony's a1 II Flagship Camera

The arrival of a new flagship from a top camera maker inevitably sparks a debate regarding how much sense it makes to upgrade to the latest model. Camera makers boast of the many improvements their new models offer, but each photographer must determine if those improvements are worth the cost of upgrading. How the manufacturers name their latest offering can sometimes offer clues about the extent of the improvements. In 2021, when Sony introduced their newest flagship under the name a1 rather than some variation of the a7 or a9 moniker, there was an expectation that the a1 would stand apart from the brand’s other mirrorless cameras.

I Set Up My Content Credentials. You Should Too.

For centuries, art was created in a physical form and limited to one original copy. If an artist wanted attribution, they could sign or carve their name into the artwork. No matter where the art traveled, the attribution traveled with it. Today, much of our work is shared digitally, where watermarks or crediting do not appear alongside the art. Widespread adoption of the new Content Credentials standard may give digital artists the recognition they deserve.

Compositing Is Broken: Adobe Aims To Fix It

Before the recent advent of AI-based retouching, I struggled to make rather basic adjustments to my portraits. Using AI plugins, however, I can quickly whiten teeth and eyes, smooth over wrinkles in the fabric, and remove blemishes from a face. Portrait retouching has benefited greatly from AI-based intelligence. One area that has been neglected in this technological revolution, however, is compositing. To put it succinctly, compositing is broken. Fortunately, Adobe is aiming to fix it.

Adobe Announces Adobe Content Authenticity App

With the rise in popularity of AI-generated images and AI-generated modifications of photographs, there has been an increased desire for transparency regarding whether AI was used wholly, or even in part, in creating an image. To aid in making this determination, Adobe is expanding the capabilities of its Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) by announcing the creation of a web-based tool called Adobe Content Authenticity.

Can an Online Course Take Your Drone Photography to New Heights?

In the 6 years that I have owned a DJI Spark drone, I have yet to create a photo or video clip that I have deemed worthy of sharing. I am a portrait photographer who loves the simplicity of capturing images with a Leica M. Using a drone to capture scenes has always appeared needlessly complicated. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder, however, if there is an online course I might study to take my drone photography to new heights.

Adobe Announces Integration of Lightroom and

Adobe has announced an integration of camera hardware and software that will be a game changer for news and event photographers. Beginning today as a beta implementation, photographers using a camera with C2C (camera-to-cloud) technology built in will be able to upload images from their camera into, where images can be instantly edited using Adobe Lightroom. This workflow will allow a photographer to shoot an all-day event without stopping to download images onto a computer. Culling, editing, and delivery can be handled by an off-site editor anywhere.

Strategies To Help Revive Your Declining Wedding Photography Business

It’s no secret that photographers from various genres are experiencing a decline in bookings. The ease of using a smartphone and the quality that anyone can get from those devices have reduced the need to hire a professional for small and even mid-level shoots. Wedding photography is a genre where people are accustomed to hiring professional photographers, and the smartphone has had a lesser impact here.

Adobe Brings Firefly Generative AI Technology to Lightroom

Today, Adobe brings its popular Firefly Generative AI technology to Lightroom in the form of Generative Remove and Lens Blur. These features will be available in all Lightroom incarnations, including the mobile app, desktop app, and web browser versions.

Download These Raw Files From Fujifilm’s Newest Cameras

Fujifilm recently held an event in NYC for photographers to gain hands-on time with their two most recent camera releases. Fstoppers was there, and we are pleased to provide you with three downloadable raw image files from each camera.

Adobe Announces Express Mobile App

While I prefer to use a dedicated camera to capture images and a laptop to edit them, I know that many social media creators prefer using their smartphones for every step of creation and sharing. Smartphone-based platforms like Instagram and TikTok understand this and have allowed users to add animations and text to postings without exiting the app.

How AI-Generated Imagery May Become a Time Saver for Small Entrepreneurs

Today, it is common for a small company of 1-3 employees to design, create, and market a product without outsourcing any part of the process. Hiring someone from outside to market or sell the product is not an option for a small organization that must be conscious of how every penny is spent.

Adobe Adds Structure Reference to Firefly Generative AI

Adobe has unveiled a new feature inside its Adobe Firefly portal that gives users more control over the final look of images and art created using Generative AI. The feature is called Structure Reference and offers users control over an aspect of their output that has been unavailable previously.

Five Problems You Must Solve To Take Great Photographs in Extreme Cold

As photographers, we choose where we take photographs. While it is undoubtedly a joy to take pictures in a climate-controlled photo studio, tethered to a laptop while your favorite tunes play through speakers, many romanticize taking photographs under challenging conditions. We dream of being assigned to document a war or cover the aftermath of an earthquake.

How I Photographed a Model on My Family Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with family vacations. I enjoy going away for a few days with my wife and daughter, but it is not something I am super excited about and looking forward to each day in the months before the trip, the way most people do. Truth be told, I’m happier putting my money into buying a new lens rather than using it to book a plane ticket.

Understanding Adobe's Vision for Generative AI

Adobe Max is a three-day conference in Los Angeles, CA attended by designers, illustrators, photographers, and social media content creators. Attendees can watch presentations by Adobe representatives and attend educational sessions given by independent creators. This year, Generative AI was mentioned in many presentations. This feature is implemented in unique ways across the programs that make up Adobe’s Creative Cloud, and it often feels to the user that they have more effective communication with programs that have AI enhancement.