For centuries, art was created in a physical form and limited to one original copy. If an artist wanted attribution, they could sign or carve their name into the artwork. No matter where the art traveled, the attribution traveled with it. Today, much of our work is shared digitally, where watermarks or crediting do not appear alongside the art. Widespread adoption of the new Content Credentials standard may give digital artists the recognition they deserve.
As detailed in a previous Fstoppers article, Adobe its Content Authenticity web app where creators can attach Content Credentials, a system of tagging digital photographs with information about how the art was created and modified. This information can also include details about the creator’s social media accounts, making it easy for fans of the image to connect with the creator to view their future content or to hire them for a paid project.

When photographers first began posting their work online, some used watermarks printed on the image itself to ensure that viewers knew who created the image. Watermarks are problematic for two reasons. First, watermarks are unattractive and detract from the photograph’s aesthetics. Second, it is easy to crop or digitally remove a watermark. For any artist, particularly those who infuse their soul into their creations, it is important that their name travels with their work. Attribution can lead to opportunities. But artists want credit for their work for reasons that go beyond wanting to book more jobs in the future. When artists pour their soul into their work, they want viewers to know that this photograph or painting isn’t just a random collection of colors and shapes; rather, this creation is a reflection of the life experience of the creator. In today’s world of viral videos and photographs, there is no telling what image will grab the attention of the masses. It is possible that a random photograph you have taken—no matter how ordinary it may seem to you—may spread all around the world. Without attribution, you can rest assured that you will receive no compensation or recognition for your creation. For any creator, even those not looking to monetize their talent, it is desirable to have eyes on their work.
Although Adobe Content Authenticity Content Credentials is a new tool, Adobe co-founded the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) in 2019 that now boasts of 3,700 companies and organizations expressing support and proclaiming support for the initiative. And though the platform has not been officially launched yet, there is a beta version available that allows photographers to tag their work with important information that will be accessible by viewers instantly, no matter how the photograph is used. While it is not uncommon for an image to be intentionally used without the permission of the photographer, it is perhaps more common for someone to use an image without proper attribution because they don’t know who took the original image. In either situation, it is not a good feeling when you see your work being used without being recognized as the creator. Sometimes, a person who has paid proper fees to use an image on their platforms does not feel obligated to credit a photographer. If an image is tagged with Content Credentials, the information about who created the image will always be accessible even if the client did not credit the photographer.
As someone who has had hundreds of images used without attribution over the past three decades on everything from social media accounts, websites, merchandise for sale, and mixtape CD covers, I was eager to set up Content Credentials for my photographs. Fortunately, the process was easy and took only a few minutes. Lightroom is an indispensable part of my workflow each day, and that is where I set up my Content Credentials for images I intend to share.
The first step in setting up your Content Credentials would be to add your name into your camera so that images are instantly tagged with your information at the moment of capture. At this time, the only camera that has this ability is the Leica M11. Because my cameras of choice (Nikon Z9 and Leica M10) do not have CC built in, I started the process at step 2, which was to open Lightroom and navigate as follows: File > Preferences > Export.
Here, I am given four options. In the Producer field, I entered my name. The second option is for Connected Accounts. When I select Manage on this page, I am taken to a page where I can connect my LinkedIn and Instagram accounts (as well as a few other platforms). This is useful to me because LinkedIn is the platform that has the best possibility of leading to a real-world job when my images are shared there. If dozens of people share my corporate event photography images on their pages over the course of a year, it is possible that one creative director will access my Content Credential information to inquire about my services.
You will note that the Lightroom page where I initially set up my Content Credentials allows me to choose whether or not I will share information about how my images have been edited. In the demo presented at Adobe 2024 MAX, this screen featured a before-and-after slider where a viewer can see just how the image was modified from its original form. (Note: Adobe Content Authenticity is currently in private beta and will be in public beta early next year. In the meantime today, you can still apply Content Credentials in Creative Cloud applications like Lightroom and Photoshop.)

In viewing the image in Photo Mechanic or Preview, there is no indication that the image has been brightened, nor is it evident that I removed a distracting element. While the ability to read Content Credentials may be built into Mac and Windows operating systems at some point, the best way to view Content Credentials today is to visit the Content Credentials homepage. Here, we see a stark page that allows for uploading an image and inspection of its Content Credentials. A viewer can quickly find information about who took the photograph. The viewer can also see a record of the changes made to the photograph, including the fact that a visual element was removed from the scene. If this photograph had been entered into a contest that did not allow for manipulation of images, the Content Credentials would inform that the picture was ineligible.
Content Credentials attached with the Adobe Content Authenticity web app also allow an artist to indicate whether an image may be used for AI training. Many photographers have objected to text-to-image platforms that are suspected of downloading photographs without permission for training of their AI models. Some images generated appear to have remnants of watermarks still present. Any photographers who do not want their images used in AI farming will be able to indicate this preference.
Setting up my Content Credentials took less than five minutes, but now I can add my credit and portfolio to any image that I post on the web. Content Credentials are added instantly to all images I export from Lightroom. Most people who view the image will ignore the Content Credentials indication in the corner of the photograph. There is always the possibility, however, that a potential client sees an image online and is interested in hiring the creator of that image. That information is now easily accessible.
The author, John Ricard, wrote:
"If an image is tagged with Content Credentials, the information about who created the image will always be accessible even if the client did not credit the photographer."
I do not understand how this is possible. The vast, vast, vast majority of the time an image is used without attribution, it is used via a screenshot of the "original", so no metadata or any other data accompanies the image. How, then, are the photographer's credentials conveyed when the end use is attained by pirated screenshots? I mean, even a 5th grade kid knows to post a screengrab instead of a copied file, so that no info will be able to follow the image back to its creator.
Also, a huge percentage of usage is in print form, not in digital form. Our images are printed on calendars without photographer credit, on product packaging, on greeting cards, in magazines, in books, on printed advertisements, etc. In print, with no accompanying digital file. How in the world are the photographer's credentials conveyed to the viewer in all of these cases where it is only used in print form?
So I am wondering if this content credential thing only works in the super tiny percentage of cases, the very rare exception, when our images are used in digital form, and taken from an original image file instead of a screenshot or other form of EXIF-stripped file.
According to a presentation I attended at Adobe's MAX conference recently, the Content Credentials will indeed work if someone screenshots the image. This technology did not work for me when I tried it on the verifty platform I linked to above. However, we are still in Beta form, so we will just have to take the Adobe's word at this point. At MAX they demonstrated where an image was used on a t-shirt and they took a photo of the t-shirt and the verification website was able to pull the Content Credentials information from the image.
I'm certain it will be easy to find flaws in this technology -as is the case with every technology. I remember back in the day when professional photographers thought I was insane in my college years to use a Minolta Maxxum 7000 camera that was totally dependent on batteries. They would ask, "what do you do when the batteries die?" Being new to photography, I had no answer. I still recall a photographer seeing that my camera was autofocus and he said, "I prefer to manually focus," with such confidence that I felt like an idiot using this battery depended, "modern" camera when all the shooters around me at various events were using Nikon F3s and FM2s that were fully manual. Today, these concerns about batteries and autofocus are a non-issue. I expect CC to have flaws initially, but will eventually become very useful.
And it is worth noting again that there are many times when people are sharing uncredited images on platforms like LinkedIn without malice. The idea that a potential client can one day click on the image and determine who took the photograph alone makes it worth setting up CC. For me at least.
Oh, okay, I think I get it now. I had been thinking that the credentials would be part of the image itself. But based on your explanation, it seems that they will be hosted by some company's servers, and able to be viewed via the internet to those who look for them. That's pretty cool, because it provides a way for even printed images to be linked to the photographer.
But I guess the downside is that the viewer would have to intentionally seek this information - it wouldn't just "pop up" in full view of anyone who sees the image. I wonder, how many casual viewers are ever going to intentionally look up the photographer credentials for pics they see in ads and on tee shirts and so forth?
Last week I saw one of my deer photos used in a beer ad - it was a banner hanging on the outside wall of a saloon in Wyoming, advertising Anheuser Busch beer. Somehow, I don't think that many of the people who come to the bar and see that banner are going to get their phones out, take a picture of the banner, and then enter that picture into a website's data bank to find out who took the picture of the deer. I could be wrong, but it just seems to me that even if I had this credential thing going for that image, 99.9% of all the people who see it would never know that it was mine.
Please tell me I am wrong, and that most of the casual viewers of printed pics are somehow going to see this information, because that'd be way cool!
No, the average person isn't going to look up your name to see who took a photograph. But a potential client might. I think it is a mistake to oversell CC. Adobe hasn't marketed this as something that will magically ensure everyone who sees a photograph knows who took the photograph. Instead they are simply saying if someone does want to know who took a photograph, or who created an illustration or graphic, that information can now be available for that person. Think of it like Shazam on your phone, which allows you to hear a song, allow your phone to "hear" it, and then your phone will tell you the name of the artist and the song. So it's not about the 99.9% of people who don't care about the creator of a photograph. It is about that .01% that do care. I only need about 25 people in the entire world to care about hiring me in order for me to make a good living taking photographs.
And no, I don't CC is going to host all the images to reference them to determine who took a specific photograph. I think there is some kind of digitial watermark that the system will use for this determination.
Thanks for giving a detailed explanation of the likely strengths and shortcomings of this CC thing. Your replies to my comments are actually just as informative, or even more informative, than the body of the article itself! Much appreciated.
I find it hard to adopt a credentialing that is not open, platform agnostic, brand agnostic, let alone supported by other editing software companies. IF this credentialing was supported by competitors of Adobe and this was designed to interface with other softwares... I would consider it to protect my work.
Content Credentials is open source platform. It is not owned by Adobe. And remember, this standard is just now being introduced. It will take time for companies to get on board. I find it odd that Leica, a company known for being so old school is the first company to offer a camera with Content Crednetials built in. According to Thom Hogan in a recent post on his website, Nikon has been promising to add CC to the Z9 for quite some time. Their latest statement is that will be available via a firmware download in 2025. I think CC will really take hold when Getty Images adopts it. They are the entity that is sharing more photographs than anyone else.
First two comments essentially imply that this technology will make it easier for reputable, honest sources to leave attribution attached; but will do little to slow bad actors. I hope that this technology is deeper than EXIF tags.
But it's got to easier and more obvious than loading the image on a web page. But we're early in the development.
Still waiting for the author, John Ricard, to respond to my first comment. I would love to know how this credential info appears to the viewer when our images are printed, as the majority of all image usage is in print form.
See above.