Quick synopsis for the non-gamers out there: Uncharted 4 is a brand new game available on the Playstation 4. It is, according to most reviews I've seen, an excellent game. I can't vouch for this personally, as I sold my PS4 last year and got an Xbox, but I do know that the first three Uncharted games were pretty stellar. Uncharted 4 follows in the footsteps of recent games such as The Last Of Us: Remastered and Grand Theft Auto V with the inclusion of an in-game photo mode: a tool that lets players go above and beyond a standard screenshot and capture images that they would not be capable of recording within the game's standard mode of play.
The visual design and graphic capabilities of modern video games are at an all-time high, allowing for some of the truly stunning images you can see below. User Prototype Viktor on the gaming forum Neogaf is currently running an Uncharted 4 photo competition where users can submit their best in-game photos and win some real-life prizes. The contest runs through the end of May, but there have already been a number of fantastic submissions.

By brandonh83

By shiba5

By FaRd!N

By Mike Works

By Mike Works

By rcua1884

By BaraSailey

By Lys Skygge
The photo mode tools in modern games allow for almost all of the functions you've come to expect from a modern camera. You can adjust exposure, composition, and depth of field, as well as edit the images afterwards to achieve various effects. So, what do you think? As video games become larger and more immersive, will we begin to see an even greater growth of "digital" digital photography?
[Via NeoGAF]
No madder how impressive games get, these are still just 'screen shots'. On a positive note creating these can help with composition when it comes to photography and or painting.
These games are employing amazing and powerful light/particle engines in a very expansive environment. With the ability to manually control exposure, comp, and DOF, I'd go as far as to say these screenshots are works of art in their own right, comparable to real life photography.
That's like saying that mirrorless cameras are just taking screenshots. These photo modes allow you to operate a "camera" in a fully immersive and lit 3D environment, capturing angles and views that were not explicitly created by the designers of the games.
It reminds me Gran Turismo which also has a Photo Mode and you can use all the buttons that a real camera has. Year ago I did a photo contest with this game, before I was a photographer jejeje.
Oh yeah! I forgot that GT had a photo mode.
This game makes me want a PS4
It makes me regret selling my PS4, as I knew it would.
Makes me wish they would port it to the Windows platform and see how much closer to photo-real they could make it.
I take photos in GTA V all the time. lots of fun! I wish the newer Tomb Raider games had a camera mode some of the environments are amazing. I don't think anyone should compare them to taking photos in the real world because it isn't the real world. With that said these photos taken within a virtual world are not just screenshots. It's just a different environment to take photos in.
Grand Theft Auto V has a Selfies mini game too jajaja. Is fun take virtual photos at the same time gives you ideas to recreate in real life.
I took this the other day while playing Uncharted 4 and made a post about Video Game photography the other day.
that looks ridiculously real. games are incredible these days. nice shot!
Here's a screen of mine from Fallout 4, which also has an amazing engine and screenshot capabilities. Combined with mods and the ability to easily alter time of day and weather conditions, it can actually be used as a tool to help learn light and composition.
People poo-poo and nay-say games being used in this manner, but I believe it's art as much as any other medium.
Could be used for composite work? Imagine cosplay shots using scenes from the latest games.
As a photographer and 3D artist, Uncharted was amazing! I enjoyed trying to find pictures that were as close to real life as I could, and now with Project Ansel coming out by Nvidia it will only get bigger and more mainstream. Regardless if you feel this is a valid medium or not.....its here to stay and will only get bigger....and that excites me! (this was taken in Uncharted 4 during the Epilogue)
Nice!! Some of the interior shots I have seen have been really killer. I was reading the other day that a company (Nvidia I think?) is working on new graphics technology that will allow for a 100% free move camera within the environment with realistic light/shadows regardless of the angle or camera position. Crazy stuff!
yes its called Project Ansel after guess who? http://www.geforce.com/hardware/technology/ansel/technology
this looks very exciting and will definitely have a large impact. Free roaming camera, post filters, "super resolution"-only limited by the VRAM so you could potentially take 24k pictures, supports EXR or deep format for composting and 360 captures, just in case you wanted to see your picture in VR......WOW!! I would love to write at length about the amazing possibilities with all of the new innovations revolving around Nvidia, Otoy, Inc, and Lytro, the world is opening up photography and cinematography are going to become very very interesting!
That's it! I forgot the name and didn't save a bookmark, thanks! Such exciting stuff happening in technology, it's crazy.
Now the games have become very realistic. And this is no longer just a pixel game. They even created eSports. And now I found out that there is even a site https://wewatch.gg/ where sports bets are placed! What? What will happen next? How else will they make money on games?
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