Thomas Brown's picture

Journey Man

I have seen this man walking most days around town for the past few years. I always drove past him & thought geez that old bloke clocks up the kms. One day I was out walking my dog, and who did we pass? So we got chatting after he asked me about my dog. His name is David & it turns out he is a photographer and a morse-code enthusiast. We had a massive conversation about photography ,bush walking and his time growing up in the area. He is a really interesting bloke and loves a good yarn. After I left chatting with him I wished I had taken a portrait but didn’t have my camera. Yesterday I was all set for landscapes and moody seascape images with this east coast low pressure system upon us. During my climb around a local headland I bumped into him again whilst he was on one of his massive across town treks. I asked him if I could take his picture whilst I was out chasing the wild weather. Its funny, I was all set for landscapes/weather images but I came home with mostly portraits. Thats what I love about photography, the people you meet and the places you go, you can never anticipate what you will walk away with.

X100T -
Thanks for looking, Tom

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