Dylon is an athletic trainer and friend, so we set up a shoot to showcase his athletic talents.
This shot is my favorite of the bunch. I had the MUA use a spray bottle to give the effect of sweat coming from an opposing boxer off camera after a knockout punch. The backlighting of the spray just gave off a really high energy feeling I liked, while also adding depth and dimension to the shot.
This was a super simple two light setup.
Main Key was a Yongnuo speed light in a 46' Westcott Apollo Orb off camera right and above.
Rim was an old Vivitar 285 with diffusion fired in frame for effect.
I shot this on a Canon 5D3 with a 50mm at 5.6.
I processed the shot in Lightroom, starting with an emulation preset and then working from there, doing a lot of dodging and burning, blemish cleanup and object removal.