Thomas Masotti's picture

Light side of the fashion force

I wanted to mix fashion and geek in one picture. I couldn't resist to choose the star wars universe because of, you know... the LIGHTSABER everybody wants ! So i dressed my model with a specific mood for the outfit. I wanted them to be really bright as you can see to match the lightside. But the attitude had to remain serious. I choose to make everyone's lightsaber blue to have not so much attention on the lightsaber but on the whole picture. I didn't give them a lightsaber that would light the outfit. I just gave them a plastic toy without any light i found on aliexpress and digitally painted the light for the saber and the light on the outfit.

I used one beauty dish in the front of each model, a little bit above the head. I used a big soft box (175cm) right behind directed towards the model to open the shadows. And also 2 rim light, one on each side of the model.

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