Milan Cherian's picture

Space Dredger

One of my best shots yet. After 3 months of planning, I was finally able to shoot this dredger while it was taking a break from dredging the stars. This was shot at Eravipuram(Kollam), India. The ship was washed ashore during a sea surge and has been stuck in the sands ever since, turning the vessel a hot spot for tourists and beach lovers who are keen on taking a closer look. And coincidentally, this image really took off. It was shared and re-shared by people around the World. The shot was also a topic of discussion by the local news.

As for me, the dredger turned out to be an interesting foreground for shooting the Milky Way. I had to wait a while before getting in the perfect shot. It was initially cloudy when I reached the location. I had to patiently wait for an hour or so before the heavens opened up to reveal the starry sky. This is a vertical panorama of 13 shots stitched together in PS.

35mm · f/1.8 · 15s · ISO 1600
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