Tomás Sánchez's picture

Walkway to Light

This photo was taken during a trip to Lofoten Islands in March 2017. In the morning we were able see that the forecast for that night was very optimistic talking about Auroras, so we decided to visit some places we had marked in our travel map.

We went out of home very early in the afternoon because the first place we wanted to visit was a point from which we would be able to see incredible views from Reine. When the sun went down a green tone appeared in the sky. It was the beginning of the party. We were able take some beautiful photos of the place and then we came back to Reine.

While my friends decided to take some photos from a place very close to a parking near Reine, I decided to go to the point where this photo was taken from. I had seen some incredible photos before of this place shot by great photographers, but I wanted to take mine.

This photo is a panoramic one formed by 5 photos. I remember that when I came to this place the moon was still hidden behind the mountain, but when I started to take the photos, it decided to appear (maybe it didn't want to miss the photo :-)). You can imagine that when I was looking at the screen of my camera, watching that I was capturing what my eyes were seeing, I lived an incredible moment. I'm pretty sure that I will never forget that night.

Canon 6D
16 · f/2.8 · 2.5 · ISO 3200
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