This photo was created to combine the different areas of photography I love to do in landscape, conceptual, architectural and black and white. It is a composite image of about 6 images. Model shot with (1) YongNuo 460 (1st version) in a 60" brolly, camera left and above model. Shot with Nikon D300S and Nikon 35/1.8. Processed in Photoshop CS5 and Google Nik Silver Efex.
Model Shot Settings: f/2.2, 1/200sec, iso160, 35mm
Model: Jessica Kelly
A beautiful and well crafted image. Love how her dress flows from corner to corner on the bottom of the frame. Excellent composition. The background being a tad darker really makes her stand out within the image. Very nice work.
Thank you, Randy!!
Thank you, Rebecca!! I've added some few info..
Congrats on "Picture of the Day". It is well deserving of the honor.
Thank you, Randy!!
Many people attempt Black and White, very few do as much justice as you have done here. Nice blend in photoshop.
Thank you for the kind words, Robert!!
Nice Mr. Ramos
Thanks, Tony!! ;)
Great work Dennis!!
Thank you, Branden!
Intense on all levels
This is beautiful! I has such an eerie elegance to it. I love the choice to make it black and white, that really works so well!
Bounti-ful ^_^
Nicely done. I will not prefer this concept for my own wedding because its kinda dark but that just my personal pref. This image demonstrate the craftiness and skills of the image creator.
This is a fantastic shot!
Really really really love this!
The black and white edit is simply astonishing.
Great image! One of a kind!