Robert Huerbsch's picture

Chasing the alpha monocerotid meteor shower

Went to my dark site 35 min outside Orlando Florida and even tho forecast was great, had thick low hanging clouds so drove another 50 min to another dark spot further south near Kissimmee Praire Preserve and the clouds parted shortly before 11pm. Was hoping for a outburst meteor shower but only saw around 5 bright meteors and another dozen faint ones.

Lots to see here tho, this is about 25 min of data. Half is 30s exposures at ISO5000 trying to capture meteors and the other half 120s exposures at ISO1600 after I gave up.

from top to bottom and left to right: Melotte 20 open cluster, California Nebula, Pleiades, Flaming Star and Tadpoles in Auriga, Hyades open cluster, Constellation Orion with Barnards loop, Flame Nebula, Horse Head Nebula, M78 dark nebula, Boggie Man, Orion Nebula, Running Man, Witchs Head, below it to the left is the Cone and Rosette Nebulas and at the bottom the Seagull Nebula.

Canon 6Da, Irix 15mm Firefly, iOptron SkyGuider Pro

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