"If you want to fly, you must give up the things that weigh you down." - Toni Morrison
This image was inspired by the work of Brooke Shaden who creates fantasy, surreal art with her self portraits, however, this was created with a model (Sara Murphy). The look of the final image was not planned ahead of time - it evolved organically as I was working on it. I wanted to try something different to lift her arms up, so I thought delicate dandelions would do the trick.The background, sky and dandelions were composited in post. The image can have different meanings or bring up different emotions to the viewer. I hope you enjoy it.
Umjetničko djelo.
Najbolje do sada šta sam vidio.
Artwork. Best so far I've seen.
Thank you!
very nicce work! I like the canvas feel of it!
Thank you!