Alison Tobias's picture

Blue Jay

Canon Rebel T7
300mm · f/10.0 · 1/200s · ISO 800
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These guys are such characters. Sadly, I've had to take down my feeders... seems we have an urban bear. Who knew... right here in Binghamton, NY. I've got the bent double feeder post and big footprint shots to prove it. Oh, and they don't just poop in the woods.

This proved to be a difficult shot...as a beginning photographer. I took this at my cabin in Minnesota...sadly, the bears do like to go after the feeder.

It's these beginner shots that spark our curiosity to try again. Gees, the amount of time I spent freezing my butt off in the cold of an Oregon Coast winter to gain the trust of the Anna's Hummingbirds that wintered in our hedge... totally worth it!

I just wish I'd got to see more than the bear's footprints and poop. LOL

Heard the noise... too oblivious to go and check it out, until an hour later when Nancy couldn't open our back door to let the dog's out for the last constitutional of the night.

By the size of the footprints... must have been a big boy or girl. Argh! The shots I've missed. :)

You must see your share of the ursine ones up north.

love that portrait, beautifull colors and amazing bird. what more is needed...