Michael Lees's picture

Tho Quat Co

Hanoi, Vietnam is a crazy place where the streets are filled with life. I loved being able to wonder around and watch people go about their daily lives. Each street tends to be filled with shops of the same type and it is quiet normal for the activity of the shop to spill out onto the pavement. I spotted this shop as I was wondering around and had to quickly take the shot before I was noticed. I wanted to capture, what is a normal and in many ways mundane activity in Vietnam, but to my western eyes, was beautifully chaotic. If I was spotted taking the shot I knew that the authenticity of the image would be compromised.

Canon 5D Mark 2
17mm · f/4 · 1/30sec · ISO 200
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1 Comment

A wonderful composition, a good story. Recognition of what life is.
Divna kompozicija,dobra priča.Priznanje šta je život.