John Kimbler's picture

Emerging Blue Mason Bee III

I was unraveling a cardboard nesting tube and the paper broke off right at the top of a cocoon with an emerging male Blue Mason Bee. Normally I'd harvest the cocoons in November and then put them in my refrigerator but the humidity causes them to mold. So I wait until the daytime temps consistently hit 15C (about 60F) and then unwrap the tubes. But it's been so warm this February that a lot of the bees are emerging already.

Tech Specs: Canon 80D (F11, 1/250, ISO 100) + a Canon MP-E 65mm macro lens (almost 3x) + a diffused MT-26EX RT (E-TTL metering with -1/3 FEC). This is a single, uncropped, frame taken hand held. In post I used Topaz Sharpen AI, Denoise AI, and Clarity in that order.

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