Luis Cajete's picture

Duraton milky way

Starry night in the sickles of the Duraton, an incredible landscape near Sepulveda. It was a shame not to be able to see the scorpions of the area, haha. I hope you like it, as always and that you are well these difficult days

Nikon d750
14 · f/2.8 · 30 · ISO 6400
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muy guapa Luis

Muchas gracias Carlos!

What a master shot Luis 🙌

Many thanks mate, I just hope that I could show well this great place.

Brutal Luis!!

Gracias jose!

Que guapa Luis

Gracias Alejandro!


Mil gracias tio!

Insane work 😍

That place is gorgeous, even with night 😄. THANKS!!

What a great shot, Thank you.

Many thanks mate, glad you like it