Julian Ray Infectious.... In The Best Way September 6, 2020 She just could not stop smiling. Portrait Log in or register to post comments 4 Comments Hank Rintjema September 6, 2020 Makes life worth while! 1 0 Alan Brown September 7, 2020 Perfect image Julian. You have captured the boy’s spirit in such an engaging way.” - his character shines through and warms the soul. 2 0 Hank Rintjema September 7, 2020 Alan Brown Agreed, but the boy is a girl... just sayin' 1 0 Julian Ray September 7, 2020 Alan Brown [Edited] She was such an amazing presence in that classroom. Smart funny and just could not not smile. Alan always it is good to know that even though our work is so dramatically different, somehow it connects. Thank you. 0 0 1 2
Makes life worth while!
Perfect image Julian. You have captured the boy’s spirit in such an engaging way.” - his character shines through and warms the soul.
Agreed, but the boy is a girl... just sayin'
She was such an amazing presence in that classroom. Smart funny and just could not not smile. Alan always it is good to know that even though our work is so dramatically different, somehow it connects.
Thank you.