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A focke-wulf F190, very nice!

Congrats on POTD, Felix! Well deserved - in fact many of your images are well worthy of being POTD. Your work is very imaginative; I always find it intriguing, often amusing.

Keep doin' what you do! :-)

TA-152 or "just" a FW-190 ?
Beautiful dynamic !

I certainly wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of that Focke. Fab pic. A classic design. I think it is the FW190 D high altitude fighter. Bought back happy memories of Airfix kits as a child. Love those Fockes.

Stunning work dude



This has to be full CGI, not a photo, right?

looks like a scale model to me, imposed on a background.

It's a scale model over a printed background... done in camera, one shot. The BG was printed already out of focus to give the motion effect. the propellers were done with a long exposure shot.

I love your work Felix, one of my favorite parts is the way pull a lot of this off with a camera rather than a computer.
Long live, in camera, one shot!!!!