
Banyu Wana Amartha Falls

Even before visiting the Banyu Wana Amartha Falls in Bali, I had been in awe of this waterfall from the photographs I had seen. The natural beauty of this waterfall truly captures the essence of Indonesia's lush tropical landscapes. The cascading water, surrounded by a rich green canopy of trees, is a wonder to behold. Indeed it is a little intimidating for the many unique perspectives that can be captured here with the various angles and vantage points.

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Amazing shot, I put "needs work" because internet points don't matter and the green feels very 'adjusted' and the red of the flower looks dodged upon. I would love to know if I'm wrong and I would change my rating to a 4 because it is 'beauty composed'.

Hello Tyler, definitely the hue and luminence of the greens has been adjusted to something that pleases my eye as has been the reds of the flower. The shadow areas in the flowers have been burned to give greater depth.


Hi Sandeep,

Another awesome image!

As always, I would love to know a little more about the camera, lens and settings. But with or without the technical details, it is beautifully composed!


Bob Henderson

Hi Robert ! This is shot with the Nikon Z6-II, Nikkor 14-24 f/2.8 lens, f/8, ISO 100, 8s focus stacked in PS for greater dof. Hope this helps :)

Hi Sandeep,

Thanks for the details. Always interested in learning from a master!

Bob :-)

So good my friend