Mike Yackulic's picture

Never Ending Field

This is another shot from on top of Steptoe Butte in Washington. It was shot at 210mm and two photos shot horizontally to make the pano. The cloudy skies offered a lot of interest in the rolling farm fields below and the gentle winds made it fun to shoot the landscape as well as predict where it was going so I had time to shoot.

Straight out of camera this had an old west kind of feel so I leaned into it. Very little done in Lightroom.

The other photos I had (green ones in my portfoliio) were shot from the same spot but earlier in the day. Just to show the versatility of this viewpoint.

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It's wild to see such a soft and muted landscape but then see the silos which look so modern. It's a good juxtaposition. What a beautiful part of the country!

To be honest I was putting off going here but after my trip I can see myself returning often. Everyone should go and enjoy it.