Frank Ginn's picture

Bristol Palace Staircase - Genoa Italy

Taken on our first trip to Italy, 2012, with my Nikon Coolpix P510, a bridge camera. Our funny story was it took us forever to locate the hotel after we got out at the closest bus stop where a beautiful circular fountain is located in what would resemble a hub of a wagon wheel with roads going off into many directions. Yes there were signs with arrows that had our hotel listed but when we followed the direction of the arrow it took us somewhere else. After what seemed like hours dragging our luggage we asked an employee at a nearby bank, they came outside and pointed down the one spoke we had not traveled and in faint neon light we made out the word "BRISTOL"! We were very thankful. And the Bristol Palace was perfect!

Nikon P510
4mm · f/3 · 1/8 sec. · ISO 400
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