mark rodriguez's picture

thank ya vurry much

i had the idea of doing a greaser of some capacity and set about to create the look. i bought a "greaser" wig that was less than desirable when i got it so i washed it out to get the starchy spray they made it with and re sculpted the hair to give it more form and height that i wanted.

for the shot i wanted concise narrow light so went with a strobe in a strip bank for the front key light and a speedlight at a low power up and at an angle behind me to add some definition to my shoulders. i then added another speedlight directly to the side of my head aimed towards the camera for my rim light which helped separate the black hair from the background

after that i brought the shot into photoshop and started on the editing. i was close to being done with it but i still was not happy with the look of the hair as it was still messier than i wanted and i wanted that very distinctive highlight going down the side of the pompadour. so i rewashed the wig and reformed it again and reshot just for the hair which you can see at the end of the the shoot section of the video

all in all i was really happy with the results and i now know that i do not want to be a hair dresser :O

as always if you have any questions feel free to ask.




85mm · f/8.0 · 1/250s · ISO 100
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