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Funny story, this was shot in a public park with people occasionally passing by in the distance.
I don't know what that makes me, but it was at least adrenalin inducing for the model.
I tried to aim for something mysterious but at the same time quite simple.
For me, life can be like that.

The original image was fine, but it didn't really compliment her body adequately, and in some way I found it a tad weird that she would be holding her arms up like that. I had a vision about rotating the image so it looked like she was lying on the leaves, but the composition looked off when I tried it out. So I swapped her body with another close up of her. The leaves were a nightmare.

The before/after can be found on

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Very creative and beautiful!


Really artistic!

lovely and well done, love the colour tone which completely fit with the photo mood!

Definitely nicer with hands down! And the colours are a good choice since it enhances the mysterious atmosphere.


Great work - love the muted colours and sense of mystery.

This photo has the wow factor. I am inspired from you work. Congratulations sir!

Fantastic work! Do you ever license your images for paintings?

To be perfectly honest I have never thought about that :) I think as of now I would just be honored if someone wanted to paint it ;)

great shot... looks like fringing or a slight double image in front of her chin...

Just Wow!

I love this shot. Great composition and a beautiful subject.

Great shot, and thanks for sharing the before/after ;)

Very nice photo!


I like the mysterious atmosphere!

Artistically posed