It is believed that good images in car photography are often achieved by using complex techniques and compositing, but you can still get good result by working on a single image in Photoshop.
You probably heard about various techniques that pros use when shooting cars commercially. Spending a day on the set, capturing the car in different lights and then spending long hours in Photoshop for exposure stacking and even compositing for adding or removing elements on an image. However, even if you have a single image for a car you like, you can still create a portfolio piece that looks quite good.
In this 9-minute video, car photographer Moe Zainal walks through his editing workflow and briefly explains why he uses Lightroom before jumping onto Photoshop. After processing the raw photo and exporting into Photoshop, he explains his editing steps in detail. From global adjustments to minor fixes and color grading, he shares his techniques and the tools he uses in Photoshop in order to finalize the image.
What do you think about Zainal’s workflow? Would you prefer blending different exposures instead or keep things as simple as possible? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.