Mastering Photo Processing: Common Mistakes

The way you process your photos can make or break them. It’s not just about the tools you use, but about the attention to detail and the feel you want to convey.

Coming to you from Alister Benn, this fantastic video dives into the nuances of photo processing. Benn uses Lightroom to demonstrate, but the principles apply regardless of the software. He focuses on two key aspects: avoiding simple mistakes and understanding the limitations of raw files. One of the biggest takeaways is the importance of making your processing seamless. If your edits are noticeable, something’s off. Benn emphasizes that good processing should immerse the viewer in the image, not draw attention to the edits.

Benn also discusses the role of “feel” in processing. It's not just about technique; it's about understanding what the image needs. He shows this by pulling up an older image at random, highlighting how you should only process photos that resonate with you. This connection to your work is vital for achieving the best results. He walks you through his steps—starting with a basic crop to move away from rigid rules like the rule of thirds. This isn’t just about following guidelines but about making adjustments that enhance the image's overall feel.

As Benn continues, he explores the idea of moving from global to local adjustments. He points out that the difference between good and great processing often lies in the ability to make precise, localized changes. In the example he gives, he adjusts the temperature of the image’s foreground, adding warmth to create depth and a more three-dimensional feel. This subtle adjustment dramatically shifts how the viewer experiences the image. He shows how global adjustments can sometimes flatten an image, making it less impactful. On the other hand, local adjustments help in preserving the depth and separation that give a photo its life.

Finally, Benn discusses the importance of attention to detail, particularly in avoiding distractions like sensor spots. He stresses that taking care in these small areas separates professionals from everyone else. This level of care can turn a good image into a great one, ensuring that nothing detracts from the viewer’s experience. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Benn.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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