Photographing the World 2

Cityscape, Astrophotography, and Advanced Post-Processing

With Elia Locardi

This tutorial will take you from the on-location capture all the way through Elia's post-processing techniques in the studio. To produce a truly unique landscape tutorial unlike any other, we traveled to Italy, Cambodia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and New Zealand so we could teach lessons in a variety of shooting situations. From the ancient temples of Angkor Wat to the modern skylines of Singapore and Hong Kong, Photographing the World has something for everyone interested in cityscape photography.

This video tutorial includes
  • 15+ Hours of Video Content
  • 19 On Location and Studio Post-processing Lessons
  • Full RAW files, PSDs, and CaptureONE catalogs
  • 10 Behind the Scenes Episodes
  • Private Facebook Group Access
Download this 15+ hour digital download now
You Save 80% has once again teamed up with Elia Locardi to produce a second travel tutorial titled Photographing The World: Cityscape, Astrophotography, and Advanced Post-Processing. When compared with Elia's first Fstoppers tutorial on Landscape photography, everything in this tutorial is bigger, longer, and more advanced. With more than 15 hours of video content, this tutorial will take you around the world to 5 different countries and 7 unique cities spanning from ancient architecture all the way to some of the world's most modern cities. Join Elia as he walks you through how each image was captured on location as well as the entire post-processing techniques he uses back in the studio.  From the cherished ancient temples of Cambodia to the iconic cities of Cinque Terre, Rome, Singapore, and Hong Kong, Photographing the World has something for everyone interested in improving their cityscape photography.

Travel across the world to Italy, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and New Zealand

Meet Elia

Elia Locardi is an internationally acclaimed professional travel photographer, Fujifilm Global Ambassador, writer, public speaker and highly experienced educator who spends his life shooting some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Location independent since March of 2012, he and his wife live a 100% mobile lifestyle, perpetually traveling from country to country, continuously circling the globe. Since he began traveling full-time in 2009, he has visited more than 50 countries and flown over one million miles.

Using a combination of traditional in-camera techniques, targeted times of day, and advanced post-processing methods, Elia has developed a widely recognized and highly unique style of travel photography. With each photograph, his goal is to share his vision so others can see the world as he does, full of color, texture, depth and emotion. Fstoppers is excited to team up with Elia to share even more of his advanced photography process as we transition out of the natural landscape world and into some of the world's most incredible man made cities and wonders. 

Here are a couple of Before and After Examples included in this Cityscape Photography Tutorial

This full cityscape and astrophotography photography tutorial is broken down into 20 lessons including an Intro to Gear and Intro to the Basics chapter which covers all of the gear, scouting tips, composition techniques, and camera settings Elia uses on a daily basis to create his stunning imagery. With the tutorial download, you will also receive access to his RAW files and reference Photoshop PSD files. This means you can follow along with your own edits as Elia teaches you every step of his streamlined workflow from start to finish. 

Unlike the previous Photographing the World Landscape edition which starts at a very beginner's level, Elia's workflow in Cityscapes and Astrophotography dives into much more complex post-processing and editing techniques from the beginning. A solid understanding of Photoshop is required to follow along in this tutorial so we recommend purchasing the Landscape tutorial first before graduating into this more complex workflow. Also, unlike the previous Photographing the World tutorial, Elia wanted to share the exact workflow he uses for his own photos which means he will be transitioning from Lightroom as his RAW processor and using the CaptureOne software suite to make base file adjustments. If you prefer using Lightroom, Elia has taken some time to explain how you can get very similar results to his in the Intro to Post Production section of the tutorial. Our goal was to allow anyone to follow along regardless of which software they are using.  

Learn Intro to Astrophotography

After wrapping up the cityscape portions of this tutorial, Elia takes you back to New Zealand to photograph the stars. New Zealand is one of the best locations in the world for photographing the night sky and the Milky Way Galaxy because it contains some of the least light polluted skies anywhere on the planet. Here Elia teaches the basic steps he uses to capture both static stars as well as star trails. For these lessons to have the most impact, it was important to have beautiful locations that allowed both interesting foregrounds as well as crystal clear skies. Therefore Elia takes you on a hiking journey deep into the base of New Zealand's largest peak, Mount Cook, and he also photographs the Church of the Good Shepherd, one of the most memorable star photos in the world. 

What’s included in the Digital Download:

  • 15+ Hours of Video Content (1080p, 23.9fps, H.264 mpg4, over 32GB of material)

  • 19 On Location and Studio Post-processing Lessons

  • Intro to the Basics of Photography

  • Overview of every piece of photography gear Elia uses and why

  • Full interview on Elia's Business practices

  • Full RAW files and companion software catalogs so you can follow along (PSD and CaptureONE)

  • 10 Behind the Scenes episodes of our experiences traveling and filming this incredible project

  • Private Elia Facebook Group access for extended education and photo sharing

For these video tutorials, our goal is for you to be able to jump right in and create world class images from day one. So instead of teaching just the basic buttons, sliders and software, we are going to be working on the actual files we captured together in the field. As we go along, the complexity will continue to ramp up, and new tools and techniques will be added in each lesson as you follow along.  By the end of this tutorial you will know how to use Elia's entire workflow to produce stunning landscape images of your own.  

What is covered in this tutorial:

  • Photography Basics (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc)
  • Overview of best lenses and gear for Cityscape and Astrophotography
  • Tips for better composition, angles, and vantage points
  • Advanced Panoramic Photography Shooting and Stitching
  • Working in Urban Environments 
  • Solid Neutral Density Filters
  • Capturing Stars and Star Trails
  • Locating and Capturing the Milky Way Galaxy
  • Understanding and Mastering Light (Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Sunrise and Sunset)
  • Using Fisheye Lenses for Artistic Compositions
  • Shooting Through Windows and Removing Glare
  • Time Blending (combining exposures shot at different times)
  • Bracketing and multiple exposure blending
  • RAW Processing
  • Extensive color color correction and image adjustment
  • Complex selections and masking techniques
  • Luminosity masking 
  • Advanced object removal and cleanup 
  • Precision Sharpening and Noise Reduction

When building the lessons for this tutorial, it was important for us to teach not only the technical aspects of cityscape photography but also the creative and subjective artistry that makes this genre so popular.  With this in mind, each lesson contains new challenges and new solutions to help you become better equipped when out in the field.  

Please note that some of the tools that Elia uses during this tutorial have evolved since the time of filming. Specifically, some of the plug-ins are no longer fully supported by Photoshop, so you may need to use workarounds in order to install and utilize them. Additionally some of the plug-ins that previously cost money are now free. If you are interested in a plug-in free workflow, Elia only uses mainstream software in Photographing the World 3.

Bonus Fstoppers Behind the Scenes

As an extra bonus, Lee and Patrick have edited 10 all new behind the scenes episodes of their travels with Elia and Naomi Locardi.  These videos act as a personal diary through Italy, Cambodia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and New Zealand giving you an intimate look into how each lesson was filmed and produced.  Living life out of a suitcase while carrying hundreds of pounds of camera gear isn't always the most glamorous lifestyle but it does makes for some great entertainment. 

Two Additional Photographing the World Tutorials!

If you aren't aware, Photographing the World 2 is only part of the Photographing the World series. If you are new to Elia's work or are looking for the most comprehensive education on landscape and cityscape photography, we have combined multiple tutorials below with additional savings. For more information on either of these other tutorials, head over to the tutorial page for Photographing the World 1 and also Photographing the World 3

Meet Your Instructor

About Elia Locardi

Elia Locardi is an internationally acclaimed professional travel photographer, Fujifilm Global Ambassador, writer, public speaker and highly experienced educator who spends his life shooting some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Since he began traveling full-time in 2009, he has visited more than 65 countries, flown nearly 2 million miles, and collaborated with major companies, brands, countries, NGOs, and tourism agencies on nearly every continent.

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Dear Elia,
I downloaded the new Cityscape tutorial yesterday...just loving it ....thank you so much to you and the team for your dedicated gift to all us other would be Landscape Photographers.
I have been a pro photographer for 36 years, 20 years in newspapers and the last 16 years in public relations and architecture.
The detail and techniques you go into is precisely what I needed to breath new love and life into my own work now my two sons are grown to the point where they don't need me so much and I am extremely grateful for what you and Fstoppers have created.
I know you all make a living from it but in my view if you do something that grows and nourishes the best in others around you it is the height of honourable living and I personally totally appreciate it, thank you.
I was interested by what you said about the development of mirrorless cameras, for now I am wed to my Nikon D810 kit and lenses, however you said in time you hoped to go fully mirrorless when the quality was absolutely there.
Could you please let us know when you think that has happened... sometimes I miss new developments and I would like to make the conversion when a lighter weight system arrives that supports quality standards beyond what I currently use.
Happy Christmas to you, Naomi and all the team...have a great one!! :)

What is the difference between the 15+ hour digital download and the one that comes with the USB stick?

The only difference in the USB version is that you will get a physical USB shipped to you. You will also get the digital download option but the USB version is for people who have to pay extra for large downloads or if they have slow internet.

Downloading in progress for this advanced course.... i was very happy that i purchase the previous Landscape course.

This looks like an amazing tutorial. I'm curious to get feedback on how you would recommend to tackle all of this knowledge. I'm fairly new into the post processing world and really picking up photography are a really long (20 year) hiatus. The cityscapes is labeled advanced vs intermediate on the landscape series. Given how much material each of the tutorials have, my situation is that I travel quite a bit, 5 to 6 big trips internationally a year but I'm usually in large cities with great views. (Singapore, Bangkok, London, Hanoi etc.) and I don't find myself out in nature as much as I used to. Some of the techniques you use are things I've been looking for, but would you have a strong recommendation to start with the intermediate techniques?

Elia does have an intro lesson on the basics of his post work but if you don't know Photoshop well, you may find that he is moving fairly quickly on some lessons. Feel free to buy it and if you think it's over your head you can always ask for a refund.

Hi guys. The cityscape version interests me far more than the landscape tutorial.

I do have a few questions.

Does Elia cover any post processing aimed at Fuji X cameras?
Do you have to watch the landscape tutorial before this one?

If so is there going to be any price promos for purchasing both?

Will there be any more tutorials in the series?



I think half of the shots are Fuji images. You don't have to watch the first but if you don't you should have a pretty good understanding of post processing.

There are currently no plans for a third but it could happen one day.

Hi Fstoppers and Elia,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the amazing work that you have done. I'm saving money since I discovered these tutorials some months ago to buy them as soon as possible. Fotography is only a hobby for me but I'm an Elia's fan from its beginnings and I'm really happy to see how he is having such a successful career, I understand photography in the same way that he does and hope to meet him at least once in life.

My question about the tutorials is the next: "have they subtitles in English?"
I'm from Spain and my English level is enough to understand Elia but some specific words about post-processing are really complicated to me and with the subtitles it would be a little easy to translate and learn everything.

Thank you guys for your inspiring work and if you (Lee and Patrick) or Elia and Naomi need free accommodation in Parma (Italy) where I live now, my house is yours, as long as you share a bit of your knowledge with me ;-)


I'm afraid it does not have subtitles

I am more than half way through this second tutorial and I must say it is probably the best set of tutorials i've seen so far. To start with the product is extremely beautifully produced, the work both of Fstoppers and elia locardi is exceptional. The package is very well wrapped up, nice music, presentation, shooting, images and construction is outstanding and you can see how much love and work has gone into production. As a product, this is well worth the money spent.

I am a beginner photographer and started just a year ago with HDR and I work several hours a day on my photo. I discovered this set of tutorials wen I was looking to do less HDR as I liked the dynamic range but less of the saturated look. I have discovered the two tutorials recently. If I am still a beginner i do know the post processing softwares although I had not used photoshop in such and extensive way before.

The lessons are exceptional and covers it all extensively. All lesson are divided in two half for shooting : choice and variance in composition, shooting from single image to bracket, long exposure, choosing ND filters, effects and of course time and light in the scene. After the shooting comes the post processing of every shot. And the good part also is that you can see Elia reproduce some of his portfolio images and it's very interesting to see how he does it. All lessons come with the RAW images, the processed and the final PSD with all the layers.

Elia has a a very subtle approach to is art. He crafts his superb images little touch after little touch. It is a very technical and subtle approach but Elia makes it simple and the lessons are perfectly paced, sometimes it gets complicated but the next lesson is easier and covers part and little by little what could seem complicated becomes easy in the approach.

Much of the work here is about exposure blending like the first tutorial but also time blending where you blend different moments in time. The result is exceptional. The post process is done mostly in RAW editor to prepare images and photoshop using add ons and luminosity masks. It is advanced stuff but once again Elia makes it simple and shows many way to skin the cat and after several lessons it does seem much more simple. The work here is very precise on light, color and sharpness it's the first time I see in a tutorial such precision and subtility.

For real beginners, i would recommend to start with the first tutorial, you will not see the time blend but it will be a good preparation to that second tutorial. If both products stand alone perfectly, they are built in a way that there is continuity between the two making the learning curve more progressive between the two. For more advanced photographer i would recommend this turorial right away ... It's just beautiful.

One last word aout the extras, there is a 1 hour talk about the business part that is very interesting more about the approach than just techniques and not to mention the behind the scenes that I loved in the first tutorial and that I am happy to see again here.

Well to conclude I would say this is well worth the investment. This is I think a must have and for downloading many tutorial, this is probably one of the best piece i've seen so far and content rich. This is a tutorial I go back all the time as my own photography evolves and that will stay with me for long.

Two words for those who think it is a bit expensive :
1. Yes a 300 dollar price tag can seem elevated, but I have seen very few products that offer so much for this money. What you get in value for the return is truly exceptional. I download a lot and I see many cheaper tutorial that just don't justify their price. This one does and to be honest it is cheap for what I lerned.
2. It would take you much more time in lessons and experience to learn otherwise what you have here. here is all of Elia's techniques from choice of composition to final editing ... It is exceptional.

have fun !!!!

Simply put, the money I spent on this tutorial (along with the earlier landscape tutorial) has been the best investment in my photography outside of 1. Buying a camera and 2. Getting myself to unique travel destinations to shoot.

I had heard that Elia was a professor at a previous job, and it really shows through here. He builds a well-crafted lesson plan, ramping up and scaling down the difficulty as needed. And the time blending - well that's the main reason I bought the tutorial. This is such a fascinating way to approach photography that I just had to see how it was accomplished.

Another great thing about this video is the production value. FStoppers went all in on on this. I love it. They very easily could have done much less with this production, and I would have still paid for it to see Elia's methods. But the high production value accomplished two things. 1. It kept me interested. You see so many tutorials that may have good information, but the low production value bores you and you can't get through all the content. 2. It inspired me. The drone footage of the Cinque Terre, all the great b-roll of fantastic places to visit, it all stoked the fire inside me to get out and see all these places for myself.

Lastly, I just want to mention that the accompanying musical score for this tutorial is awesome. I looked forward to the start and end of each video, along with the shooting->post processing transition just to hear the score.

I have purchased and viewed both of these tutorials. In a word, AWESOME. Elia not only discusses how to set up for the image to be taken and what are the concerns but he then displays how to process the images. It is as if you are standing behind him and watching his thoughts as to how to stage the shot. This includes regarding what iso to use, how to frame the image and how to observe the light. Viewing these videos has certainly changed how I approach taking the shot and how to process them afterward.

Well worth the value!

This is the second series of video tutorials dedicated to Cityscape and astro photography and as the first episodes it doesnt disappoint at all.
In this videos Elia shows us advanced techniques of postprocessing to overcome difficult lighting situations the travel photographer has to face when at work.
Every aspect of his workflow is covered: from preparing the raw files to complex blending with luminosity masks, from colour separation to selective sharpening and denoising.
And on top of that Elia explains to us the tricks and tips behind his trademark technique "moments in time".
We can well say that all possible scenarios are covered making this tutorial really worth every penny invested in it and an absolutely essential tool to bring your own photography to the next level.
And the quality is outstanding: Elia is a great teacher and the filming is top notch. Not only are you introduced to the latest techniques in post processing but you are also treated to some of the most beautyful places on earth amazingly filmed by the F Stoppers crew.
This is a journey into what travel photography should be.
My verdict? Highly recommended!!

These Tutorials are by far, without a doubt, the best, and only tutorials you will ever need. Invest, it will pay for itself in no time. Throw out those books, guides and other tutorials you may have accumulated, they are no longer required.
If you do not improve your photography after watching this series, then I suggest you put down the camera and try another hobby.

If the first tutorial was great, the new one is a masterpiece. These guys have done a wonderful job and all of us can learn a lot from every lesson in the new tutorial.
Elia's techniques are simply amazing, he is an amazing teacher and a wonderful person that can show you the best part of this great art.
I think that buying both tutorials has been one of the best investment i have done in photography. Forget about expensive gears, buy this one instead if you want to become a better photographer, if you want to learn everything from shooting session to post processing and if you want to see the world from a different perspective.
I can assure you that after the first lesson you'll wish to take your bag and gears to start exploring the world because this tutorial can give you a new way to think, and can make you a better person :)

Are there any discount offers if you want to get this and the landscape tutorial together? I would love to get them together, but the price for both is kinda steep for me and may have to decide on one.

This tutorial goes into much greater depth than the first one, and is really helping me get the best out of my photos (plus revisiting my archive and figuring out what to do with it)

The choice of locations are very accessible for most aspiring travel photographers. (By coincidence, I'd visited 2 of them only a few weeks before this tutorial was released.)

Not only am I producing images that I am so much happier with, I'm also getting significantly more attention for my portfolio online. In the last year I've progressed from "merely" an enthusiastic amateur to a semi-pro with my first commercial opportunities, and I credit Elia's methods for much of this development. In fact the chapter about business has been absolutely crucial. I'm still learning every day.

If you are serious about your photography, this is simply the best money can buy.

This is an exceptional tutorial. Very impressed with the amount of stuff packed into it. You will learn a ton. Video production quality is also exceptional. And Elia is a great teacher. Well worth the money.

For an individual without any photography skills but a great passion for the art, I was in search of knowledge for a long time and I must say I've found it. Since purchasing your tutorials I've found a new love for my hobby. I've always wondered how you achieve such great images, the way in which you teach the techniques are so simple and easy to remember. I've actually gained more confidence in myself based on the knowledge.

When I started photography in 2012 and began the search, I came across many tutorials but nothing compares to what you have to offer in both cityscape and landscape tutorials.

Thanks for all the hard work that went into the tutorials and continue to inspire

I will be short. I bought the first set of tutorial a few months ago. I didn't know what to expect. After watching them, I couldn't wait to purchase the second set of tutorial, which brings you on a new planet. The only thing I can say is THANK YOU!

Didn't have the time yet to fully watch the 2nd set of tutorials (been busy following Joel Tjintjelaar's B&W tutorials) but my landscape photos had a big improvement after watching the 1st set of tutorials.

Elia, having your tutorials is one of the best investment any photographer should acquire in his lifetime. Not only are you a good photographer but your teaching skills is superb. Of all the tutorials I have from other photographers, I always wish they were as effective of a speaker as you.

As I mentioned in my comment in the group page, you should give a tutorial for other photographers on how to be an effective speaker not only in their respective videos but as well as on how to be confident in selling themselves to prospect clients.

Is there any thought to making individual sections of the course available for download? I am sure I can learn from the entire course but I do have a pretty good understanding of taking the photos, I'm more interested in the post processing. Would love to up my game in that area....

Hey Jason, unfortunately each post processing sections really builds on the other with each lesson getting more complex. I would say each lesson is about 30% shooting on location and 70% post processing so skipping the shooting section isn't going to save THAT much time to begin with. Plus many of the problems Elia would have faced in post are solved during the shooting lesson. Basically there isn't any easy way to separate the two and then release something individually without it being cheapened and confusing from a watcher's stand point.

I am still watching and rewatching both this Cityscape tutorial and the previous Landscape tutorial, trying to consume and organize all the information in my own mind and planning my 2016 trips to try everything I am learning.

The beautiful locations, the great camera work from the videomakers, the close to perfect editing, it all makes this a fantastic learning package of the highest quality. I have edited my share of videos and I know it's not easy to put something as professional as this together, this is why it's not a $25 package, but I think it's definitely worth it if these images make your eyes water like they do for me.

And I have to add: I have seen my share of courses, and one important but often neglected part of the best courses are having someone in front of camera that is relaxed and are able to explain everything in a digestable way. Elia is extremely easy going and pleasant to watch all along, making the hours fly by.

Thanks again guys for a great tutorial, I can highly recommend it to anyone looking to expand their knowledge and making the best out of their shots :)

Most of the previous comments are summarising it pretty: just go for it!! It's an incredible piece of educational content! That too put in a very professional way; that's not always the case and justifies the price tag ten times!

Well done Elia and Fstoppers!

This is the second tutorial I have purchased from Elia and the F-stoppers team. These are THE BEST tutorials out there for this type of photography and post-processing. Elia's teaching skills really show in every lesson and the high-quality production of the F-stoppers guys shines through. Highly recommended and I hope to some even more in depth tutorials in the future.

Thank you Fstoppers, for making this video series.
And a special thanks to Elia Locardi for the best possible instructions possible.

Previously i have watched many tutorial/courses, and have never to date found a better tutorial series than this one.

The way Elia explains things, makes photography funny and easy to learn.
I can guarantee that if you purchase this tutorial series, you will increase your skills by at least 50%.

Again, thank you so much for making this series, i really feel that i'm with you on the location.

Dear fstoppers-team,

I've watched the whole tutorial now and it is really amazing. It's out of question that Elia has tons of information, tips and tricks to share. But it's not only the pure information which makes this whole tutorial outstanding. The lessons are also very entertaining and the vidoe editing and cutting is georgeous. Can you please do a making of of this, too? :-) The timelapses and drone shots are awesome and the BTS videos are just fun to watch and a great addition. Even if not everything went as planned at first, the outcome is really worth the work. And as a viewer you really can see and feel how much fun it was to creat it. Keep up the good work. Thanks for +15 hours of education and great entertainment.

These series of Elia's tutorials are simply the best money can buy. You can search the internet as much as you want but I promise you, you won't find anything better... Workshops are obviously best way of learning photography but if you're looking for the next best thing after workshops, look no further. The price is cheap for what you get! Elia takes you to the field, shows you how light works, shows you how to compose and use your camera gear... then after capturing his RAW files, he takes you to the studio to show you how he processes his images. From start to finish this is all you need to become a photographer. You get all the files to work along as well so what the hell else do you need? lol

My favourite is the Astro Photography portion. Now i finally know how to get cleaner images at night. His blending techniques are amazing as well. Blending to me is the key to get outstanding photograph.

But I'm an honest guy so here is what you need to know:
Photography (specially landscape & travel) is not for everyone. It's art. You either have it, or You don't... loving it is not enough. You have to be ready to put the time and effort... Watching these tutorials shows you SO MUCH. It teaches you what it takes to take outstanding photographs and it teaches you how to post process them. After that, it's really up to you. Are you gonna get out there and do it? Sky is the limit... If you put your passion, your time and your love for this, It's easy.


Hey Guys,
Sorry it took me so long to write a review on this tutorial. I can easily say that this is the greatest purchase I have ever made towards my photography career. Doesn't matter how much you spend on gear, it will not help you as much as these 2 sets of tutorials will. You are taken through Elia's amazing process from start to finish, to when he setups up the camera till the image is ready to go into his portfolio. It seems other tutorials and photographers want to keep their own little secrets to themselves. Elia and fstoppers laid it all out on the table and didn't hold back. I am no professional now, but Elia's story, plus how dramatically my photography has improved since purchasing this has inspired me to follow a similar path. To become a location independent photographer. Not only does he give you step by step instructions on how to shoot and post-process his amazing photography, he also breaks down the business aspect of it. Explaining suggestions of what he did to get to where he is now. So you pretty much get a total package on how to become a successful landscape photographer, just all depends on if you are willing to put in the work. But either way I promise it will transform your photography, that is a guaranteed. Thanks for everything guys!

This tutorial, along with the landscapes Tutorial, are the two of the best tutorials I have ever had the pleasure of buying. I can see an enormous improvement in my processing flow simply from reviewing these tutorials.

I really cannot recommend these enough and if you can afford then buy both and go through them chronologically.

This tutorial is so beautifully made in EVERY aspect, the teaching, the content, the cinematography, EVERYTHING!!

Buy it, if you are a serious Landscape, Travel, Cityscapes Photographer - these are the tutorials for you!

I am a beginner and it seems like this tutorial is designed for more advance photographer.I didn't intent to get the landscape lesson but just the cityscape lesson I am afraid I won't be able to keep up with the content of this course. Anybody having the same problem and do you think I should get this lesson?

I will say that this tutorial is pretty advanced but it isn't anything you can't follow along with and rewatch over to grasp the content. That being said, we have had some people say that even the first landscape tutorial was too advanced for them. Basically if you have never used photoshop or lightroom then it may be a bit too much for you but if you have a good understanding of both then you should be able to follow along with the masking and adjustments Elia does throughout.

Hello - I purchase the landscape tutorial and it's fantastic! I like now to purchase the second tutorial - cityscape photography, do I get a discount for the second set? Thanks, Kay

Because the reviews on this page played an important role in my decision to buy this class, I decided I need to add my voice in the hope it may help someone who may be on the fence deciding if they should buy it.

At first, I was reluctant to buy this video because of the cost. I mean, I love Elia's work and from watching the behind the scene videos posted on youtube, I could tell that it was going to be good yet, I was hesitant to spend $300.

Rarely you can find someone who is a great photographer and can also teach well. Elia Locardi is exceptionally at both.

I am sure many of you have watched some tutorials that promise a lot yet never delivered on its hype. Not the case with Photographing the World with Elia Locardi. I had high expectations for this class and it greatly exceeded it. There is no hype here, just outstanding and solid photographic education by a true master of his craft.

As soon as you start to watch you sense that you are for a very exciting adventure. That this is like nothing you have watched before. You feel like you are right there with Elia. These videos go beyond tutorial and feel more like he is mentoring me. There is no fluff nor a wasted minute here just solid education.

Each segment is well thought out and executed. No wasted time. Each tutorial is composed of two parts: Shooting and post processing.

Part 1: Shooting with Elia. He will explain in depth his entire thought process choosing the time of day as well as how he decides on his composition. He explains what and why he chooses to include and exclude in his composition. He covers how to choose where to stand and why. No detail is ignored by Elia. Amazing!

Part 2: Post-production with Elia. He goes into every single detail in how he create his images. He explains the why of his creative process as well as the tools and reasoning behind what he does. This is extreme education. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson.

What I love about the lessons is that Elia goes into great detail in his creative processes and decisions. You will learn the why and this alone will improve your photography from night to day.

If you really and truly want to learn landscape and cityscape photography and improve your photography, this is a must investment.

The videos are beautifully made, a tribute to Patrick and Lee hard work. You guys did an amazing job. Thanks.

You can own the most expensive camera equipment in the world, but without the proper knowledge, you are just a camera owner. A great education is an imperative to be able to take the tools we have and empower our creativity and master our craft.

GET THIS VIDEOS. It will be one of the best investment you will make in your photography.

Thanks Elia, Elia's wife, Lee and Patrick.

PS. I am saving to buy the landscape with Elia next.

Hope you do a third part.

If ordering the two tutorials package can they both be put on a USB?

No, the USB drives are created by a third party company

If you're a beginner on a budget and have a choice between this tutorial and the Gulf Photo workshop with Elia, which would you choose?

Man that's a tough one. Here are some of my thoughts on it. If you are a beginner and really want to soak up a bunch of different situations and be able to go back and rewatch Elia's post processing, I would say the Tutorial is hard to beat.

If you want an incredible experience and want to come home with some photos of your own, GPP in Dubai is a once in a lifetime experience. However, with the complexity of Elia's post production, I fear that if you do not have the tutorial you will forget a lot of what is taught and potentially some of the issues he solves in Cityscapes might not present themselves during his 2-3 day workshop in Dubai.

That makes sense. I'm excited about the post processing of it all so I think I'll get the course. Thanx. Hopefully he's in dubai again next year and I'll have improved a bit by then to be able to get the most out of it.

I bought this tutorial and tried downloading Capture One. I installed the Sony version, but it seems very buggy, and it constantly crashes. Is the previous landscape course based in Lightroom or ACR or is it also using Capture One as the raw processor?

I bought this tutorial and tried downloading Capture One. I installed the Sony version, but it seems very buggy, and it constantly crashes. Is the previous landscape course based in Lightroom or ACR or is it also using Capture One as the raw processor?

He uses Lightroom only in the first one.

I just finished all of landscape and cityscape tutorials. It took quite some time but was infinitely rewarding in both it's entertainment value as well as rich with advanced techniques that even a pro photographer of ten years like me could learn a lot from. I thoroughly enjoyed the on location narration not just to experience Elia's decision making process but also to witness another photographer going through some of the same dilemmas and options I often do. As I (and most photographers) often work in a bit of a void it's good to virtually walk along side another working photographer. But where it shines is in the masterful planning of the shots and retouching of the well prepared exposures. I have already changed my shooting methods to accommodate my newfound editing skills and the results have definitely raised the bar on the quality of my work in a very short time. To buy both of Elia's tutorials is not cheap but it is an investment that returns far more than it costs. I'm staggered my the amount of time and hard work that went into the making of these well though out tutorials. So don't hesitate or keep reading any more reviews - just get it. It's not an expense it's an investment. I will finish with two warnings though. 1. Be prepared to want to instantly become a travel photographer. 2. Don't let you wife watch them over your shoulder. In one scene (I think it was one of the Victoria's Peak tutorial) he talks about being up at 5 a.m. My wife was looking over my shoulder and exclaimed, "5 a.m. and he still looks beautiful!"

Hello Lee Morris. I do not have access anymore to the secret facebook group. I have contacted the support 10 minutes ago. Has the group been shut? Best Regards.

When will the third part release?

Absolutely rocking tutorial! Can't wait to watch the others

Honestly a little disappointed with this set, there's no doubt Elia is an exceptional photographer but when only 5-10 minutes of a 40 minute episode is photography, it's a little disappointing.
I also maybe should have considered the advanced cityscapes as the majority of the content wasn't special or information I haven't found on youtube before, with the exception of Luminosity blending. (but I wanted star videos too so hence the choice). Glad I didn't purchase more than one episode.

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