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Daniel Laan
Akersloot, NL

Articles written by Daniel Laan

The Ultimate Comparison of Nine Noise Reduction Methods for Night Photography

Imagine yourself under a starry night sky. Wouldn’t it be great to capture the Milky Way to show it at home or on the web? Unfortunately, you are left with a black frame after you’ve pointed the camera upwards at settings you are used to. It's time to open up the aperture, lengthen the exposure, and bump up the ISO. You will introduce noise, but do you really care? Aren’t there tools out there to reduce noise but still keep the detail?

The Real Versus the Beautiful (Part 2): The Power of the Processed Image

The processed photograph is growing more popular. Whether that has to do with the technology involved in image processing becoming more accessible to many is up for debate. Maybe it is a gradual shift of the human perception of what we call the art of photography. I have asked a handful of professional landscape photographers to contribute to the case of the processed photograph, making this second part in this series more practical than the rather philosophical first article.

The Real Versus the Beautiful (Part 1): The Desert of the Real

Let's take a step back and talk about the growing popularity of the processed photograph. Apart from some rather technical post-processing jibber-jabber, we’ll dabble in philosophy, astronomy, and the evolution of the human species. We will meet strange creatures along the way that see many more colors than we do, as we conclude this with a moral question in photography.

Video Showcases Landscape Photography in Arctic Norway

Don’t you just love the fact that nowadays, you can watch only the good shows? UK Landscape Photographer Thomas Heaton has his own "show" on YouTube, and in the latest episode, he takes us with him on a photography journey in Arctic Tromsø, Norwegian home of spectacular landscapes. Join him on his journey to the edge of the Arctic!

8 Helpful Tips for Photographing in the Fog

Toma Bonciu has a real sense for dramatic landscape photography, but what's more, the Romanian landscape photographer is willing to share his experience and knowledge through videos posted on YouTube. Check out his eight tips on taking photos in the fog.

The 7 Ways of Zen Landscape Photography

Zen photography comes naturally with an empty mind. It’s both waiting for a moment where light, shape, and dynamics fall into place, and being devoid of planning in advance. Instead of checking the weather online before a shoot, you just venture out and essentially wing it. It’s all about being in the moment. As a landscape photographer, I want to share the ways of this minimalist sub-genre.