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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

Will the Panasonic S5's New Firmware Kill the S1H?

Panasonic is overlooked in a number of areas in the industry, but video is certainly not one of them. With this latest firmware upgrade, could Panasonic be cannibalizing their own more expensive camera though?

Control Photoshop With Hand Gestures

The future is always coming at the same speed, but on occasions, it feels as if it has sped up significantly. With this wearable device, you can control Photoshop with just your hand and a surface.

Can Upgrading Your Gear Make You Less Happy?

Cyber Monday — the more recent sibling of Black Friday — is upon us. It is therefore a good time to remind everyone that upgrades of gear are not always the right move, and they can be detrimental in more ways than one.

Should You Use a Teleconverter, or Just Crop the Image?

Where once the only option was the longest lens possible if you wanted to shoot wildlife, now we have the resolution to give the photographer some real flex with cropping. So when you're next out birding, what's the best approach? Is it a telecoverter, or just cropping?

How to Pose Males in Portrait Photography

It doesn't matter how perfect your settings both in and out of the camera are, if your subject is posed poorly, the shot will be all but ruined. Here is a guide to some techniques on posing males for your next portrait shoot.

Is This the Best Portable Camera and Lens Setup for Portraits?

Whether you're shooting on a micro four-thirds sensor or medium format, beautiful portraits are attainable. But if your goal was to have the lightest, most portable setup that can create high-quality portraits, which body and lens would you choose?

The Canon EOS C70, a 'Fantastic Cinema Camera' With a Few Downsides

As much as photography has gained from 2020's relentless releasing of cameras, videography has arguably gained more. Canon's new, affordable (for a dedicated cinema camera) video-centric body is another stellar option with just a few caveats.

A Beginner's Guide to Exposure Compensation

Exposure compensation is a tool that every photographer ought to know how to use effectively. In this video, learn exactly how it works, when to use it, and how to use it.

6 Artists Who Can Improve Your Architectural Photography

Though photography may be a relatively new medium, visual representations of our world most certainly are not. Here are some artists that are worth studying if you want to improve your architectural photography, particularly in black and white.

A Guide to Posing Maternity Portraits

During such a brief and important period of a person's life, maternity shoots have grown in popularity, but they're far from straightforward. This video will guide you through some posing ideas, as well as foundational elements to pregnancy shoots.