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Rob Baggs
London, & Hertfordshire, GB

Articles written by Rob Baggs

How This Photographer Got to $500 Per Day

The internet is wall-to-wall packed with people telling you they make ridiculous amounts of money in all different ways, only to go on to sell you a course that does make them money. Well, in this video, Evan Ranft gives his honest breakdown of how he has managed to get his income to such a desirable amount.

Sony ZV-1F Versus Sony ZV-1: Which Is Better?

Sony's recent ZV line of compact cameras has caught many people's attention for a number of reasons, particularly vlogging and video. But which is the best option for you and why?

Zoner Photo Studio X Receives Major Update, Continues Pressure on Adobe

Zoner Photo Studio X is a holistic solution to post-processing and file management for photographers, and yet it flies under the radar. Despite the fact its price is a fraction of Adobe's full suite, major updates to improve it are rolled out regularly, and this latest one adds a number of features.

7 Photography Mistakes That Are Easy to Avoid

There are few better ways to learn about mistakes in photography than watching someone knowledgeable critiquing photographs. This video is exactly that and contains seven mistakes that are easily avoided.

Testing the iPhone 14 Pro for Nighttime Street Photography

Mobile phone cameras have taking gargantuan strides forward in the last decade, to the point where they are unquestionably able to compete with dedicated cameras in certain areas. So, how is the new flagship iPhone in one area it claims dominance?

How to Film and Edit a Vlog Quickly

Many thought vlogging would be a brief trend, but it's safe to say that was not an accurate prediction. Many content creators weave in vlogs as a way of engaging their audience further and more regularly. However, shooting and editing vlogs can be highly time-consuming unless you know what you're doing.

Is This the Best Fujifilm Lens Ever Made?

Fujifilm has made some excellent cameras and glass to adorn them with, but one photographer claims that this lens is the cream of the crop. So, is he right or is there something better that can be found in Fujifilm's extensive line-up?

How Has the Pandemic Changed Your Approach to Photography?

The pandemic has been one of the most impactful events in the lifetimes of most that are alive today. It has been singular and brutal, affecting people, businesses, and infrastructure. Whether you're a professional photographer or a hobbyist, it undoubtedly changed the status quo for you, but how?

Using the Canon RF 800mm for Astrophotography

Astrophotography has a high skill ceiling, particularly when you start to introduce trackers. In this video, a veteran astrophotographer takes on a challenge and has a few learning experiences.

Create Beautiful Portraits With This $20 DIY Light

Photography can be an expensive pursuit, with cameras, lenses, and lights setting you back thousands and thousands of dollars. While that is true, the operative part is "can be". There are lots of ways to create amazing images on a modest budget.

5 Tricks Pro Artists Use in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most complex and malleable tools in a photographer's arsenal. With many fatigued from the debate over whether an image is edited or not, perhaps you want to weave in some magic to your shots.

Is the Leica Noctilux f/1.0 One of the Best Lenses Ever Made?

Leica is polarizing by virtue of — and this is almost the entire reason — their prices. Nevertheless, the quality of their products is not in question. One of Leica's most famous creations is the Noctillux f/1.0, but how is it to use?

A Simple Guide to Editing Colors in Adobe Lightroom

For most photographers color is a crucial element of their work and one that can have a huge influence on the quality of the final result. There are many ways to manipulate color in post-production, so here is a simple guide for using Adobe Lightroom for that purpose.

One Tip That Improved This Photographer's Landscapes

As far as I can tell, we should never stop learning and when it comes to my photography, I am always looking to gather information from others. In this video, experienced landscape photographer, Nigel Danson, takes you through something he learned that benefited his worth from then on.

How to Choose the Right Camera for Video

If you're looking at trying a new area of photography or videography, or are just getting started in the craft, there's no doubt that making the right decision on gear is a difficult one. As the number of options has surged, so has the number of voices.

7 Cinematic Gimbal Moves You Can Create Without a Gimbal

When it comes to videography and cinematography, the gimbal has risen to a staple of the craft, whether you're an amateur or a professional. However, if you don't own one or don't have one with you, there are plenty of substitutes that offer similar results.

A Beginner's Mistake in Photography That Can Last a Career

I have likely made a great many mistakes over the course of my photography career, but one could well still be impacting me today. The question is, are you making it, and if you are, should you do anything to change?