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Joel Jaffe
Fremont, CA

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How to Photograph Comet NEOWISE in 8 Steps

Comet NEOWISE is one of the brightest comets to visit earth for some time and can be seen right now in skies throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Here are some of the best tips for photographing it successfully.

Are You Using These Three Key Aspects of Visual Storytelling?

Since the beginning of time, humans have told stories for education, historical record, and entertainment. The timeless adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" is one we have all heard, and probably repeated, but I want to focus on the things that words can't describe.

A Helpful Guide to Lighting and Posing Family Portraits

Whether you are doing it professionally or simply looking to use your skills to capture lasting memories, family portraiture can be a challenging but rewarding genre. This helpful video will show you both how to light and pose family portraits.

How to Easily Make Epic Panoramas

Panorama photos are huge, sharp, and fascinating. In this article, I will show an easy way to automatically stitch a panorama in CameraRaw and finish them off in Photoshop.

A Beginner's Guide to Flash Photography

If you are new to flash photography, it can be pretty tough trying to understand the combination of light behavior, technical parameters, and creative choices, but taking the time to power through and learn how it is done will open up many new avenues for your work. This great video will give you a comprehensive introduction to flash photography to get you on your way.

The Importance of Balancing Light and Composition in Landscape Photography

Composition and light are two of the most important factors in any good landscape image, but depending on the scene you are photographing, the way they interact with each other can vary a great deal. This insightful video discusses the balance between light and composition and offers some great guidelines for learning how to prioritize them to create stronger and more compelling images.

Helpful Tips for Posing and Photographing Men

Posing can be one of the trickiest aspects of photography for many people and takes a lot of work to truly master and feel confident at. If posing is something you personally struggle with, this helpful video will give you lots of tips and examples specifically for working with men.

How to Photograph a Clear Bottle With Only Two Strobes

Some photographers make a good living out of specializing in beverage photography, but many of these pros — who generously share their techniques on YouTube — do so using the best of equipment, so it might seem a little intimidating for a beginner. If you're curious about how to get professional-looking product images using some basic equipment, however, look no further than this tutorial.

How to Create Great Glassware Photography With Just Two Speedlights

Even if it is not your professional specialty, product photography is a great genre for any photographer to practice simply because of the lighting challenges you will encounter and the problem-solving skills you will develop. This excellent tutorial will show you how to create a great glassware shot using just two speedlights and a bit of Photoshop.

7 Tone Curve Tips That Will Make Your Editing Better

The tone curve in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) is a powerful tool. Subtle changes to the tone curve can make a big difference in the look and feel of your image. Here are a few tips and tricks that will make your tone curve adjustments easier and more precise.

Why Photographers Prefer Multi-Light Setups for Portraits

If you are new to artificial lighting, you might wonder why some photographers employ complex multi-light setups for some portrait work. This great video shows you the difference between what you can accomplish with a single light setup versus using multiple lights, which will illuminate why more complex setups are often preferred.

Hyperfocal Distance and How It Can Help You Get Sharper Photos

If you shoot landscapes or anything involving scenes with a lot of depth, figuring out how to keep everything in focus can be a bit of a tricky problem. There are a few ways to go about this, but one of the most efficient ways to go about this is by using the hyperfocal distance. This great video will introduce you to hyperfocal distance and how to use it.

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