I have started to see a trend with using projectors to add some flair to photos. However most portable projectors do not pump out the brightest light and cannot run off batteries alone. Meet the Light Blaster. A new tool that uses your speed light and lens to project slides in your photos, from backgrounds, special effects, and anything else you can dream up.
Check out the examples of photographers putting their creative curves on the Light Blaster and putting it to work. To see more on the Light Blaster or order your own visit their website.

The old image fulgurator... The same thing was done by Julius von Bismark in 2008 as a project for his studies at the university of arts in Berlin, Germany. He made a projector using an old film camera. He used it as a device for guerilla messaging. He even has a patent on it...
His website: www.juliusvonbismarck.com/fulgurator
And a video of the device in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAX_3Bgel7M
Great find! I wonder if they are mass producing it for him?
Nice tool. I'd use it at least 3-4 times..
That's kinda neat. Totally overpriced, but definitely useful. Now, as for that tacky portrait...
Considering Profoto's is in the thousands and thousands, I'd say it's pretty well priced.
its also essentially just a single piece of plastic with two threaded/flanged holes.
Just because Profoto is trying to rip you off even worse doesn't make this a bargain for what it is.
Personally, I think the Fulgurator would work better.
If you use an old mechanical film camera body with a locking cable release, you can use the viewfinder to focus where the image will go, then lock the shutter open for projection. No fiddling around necessary to get it properly focused where you want it to be.
Very cool! I love shooting with projectors.
Just use DYI snoot. Much cheaper.
You use a snoot to project images using your flash?
I hope that there is or will be a copy.
Are there currently products for the mass?
I am also looking for a digital version of the "Guerilla Beam".