Have you ever thought about making the exciting move to photojournalism? Then we have someone you have to listen to. Sarajevo born photographer Damir Sagolj has been on the Reuters' staff since 1997 and is currently their chief photographer in Thailand. He spent five years in the Bosnian army and worked for the Paris-based Sipa press agency as their Bosnian photographer. To sum it up: he knows his shit. So if you answered "yes" to the question above here are 7 tips from Damir that you better take to heart.
1 - Anticipate: shoot a lot so you aren't figuring things out when the real moment comes.
2 - Research: know about the places and stories you maybe covering in the future.
3 - Reach Out: find people who know more than you and can help when you need them.
4 - Prioritize: focus on your corner of the story, don't try to cover too much.
5 - Practice: know how to use your gear.
6 - Interact: spend time getting to know your colleagues in the field.
7 - Be Invisible: don't be obvious, you're presence can contaminate the reality of a situation.
via [ISO1200]
good advice for most things in life i think!
excellent!! great work to go with a good attitude.
He is stupid good. Reminds me of the "Bang Bang Club", with little less violence.