Every so often we all need to refill our motivational gas tank to keep us going. This 4-minute video of photographer Jaleel King (website / facebook) will do just that for you. King's story of death, losing everything and finding life is sure to inspire you. Big thank you to Mike Allebach (website / facebook) for putting the video together so we can all be inspired by Jaleel's story.
Francois De La Rochefoucauld once said, "Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible."
Jaleel King's story reminds me of this quote. You won't hear excuses from him - if it's something he wants to do, he'll find a way to get it done. In his own words, "As a wheelchair user since age 8, I am photographer who has a different a perspective on how I visually see life. Allowing me to never accept the whys as excuses and going for why nots as the challenges in order to overcome to them, as seen in my work. I was led into a world that is beautiful and challenging at the same time!"
The video was produced by Mike Allebach of AllebachPhotography.com. Mike explained that the video was shot with the new Nikon D600 using a $30 mic from Radio Shack. I would have never guessed it. Amazing job Mike. Thank you for sharing Jaleel's story with the world. I am positive it will inspire thousands!
this video just made me stronger... thanks!
Jaleel it a true inspiration! Wish more people were as optimistic as he, the world would be a much happier place...
Hands down one of the best submissions in a very long time. Well done.
Reppin the 215. Mad respect.
Wonderful story about someone who's pushed through tragedy and adversity. Nicely done video too.
Just wanted to say thank you to FStoppers for posting this and all of you for taking the time view and share it!
dunno why but it just made me feel even worse...
Such a great story you inspire me @jaleelking:disqus love you man!!! Can't wait to interview you today:)