Redbull's newest short film truly is a masterpiece. Even if you are not a skateboarding enthusiast you should watch just to appreciate the cinematography. With Marc Ritzema as the cinematographer and Ryan Sheckler, Torey Pudwill, Ryan Decenzo, and Zered Bassett skating, the film is a visually stunning and rather remarkable. The slow-mo shots are beautiful and ramped so well. Marc is such a creative film maker and the personal touch he leaves on his films are very admirable. His story lines flow very well and never leave the viewer bored. Marc filmed this with a Phantom flex & epic.
prod: andy carlson
dp: marc ritzemahots.
It's Torey.
Unnnnnn (master p voice)
Great video.
Beautifully shot, very well edited.
Looks like some anamorphic lens use for this. Very cool overall!
Great production value and some great skating, but a little heavy on the slo-mo stuff for me... my favorite sequence though was Torey's kickflip back smith to back revert out. His pop and control are ridiculous...
Sweet production. RedBull has chosen some great cinematographers that have created some great works from the F1 track creation video in Austin TX and now this. Just plain awesome.
definitely worth watching. Very inspiring on many levels, great video. :D
Wow, skate videos have come a LONG way from when i started watching them.
That's how I spent my youth. Nice to see they shot it in AZ.
anyone else remember when zered bassett had corn rows!??
Great video!
Another one I love for the cinematography is . Amazing use of the unbroken take.
How do you guys not know about Brett Novak? His stuff with Kilian Martin is incredible. Check out Escalation / Ascension / Regeneration (three separate films) over on his YouTube channel.
Pretty sure he was approaching skateboard cinematography like this long before Red Bull thought to do so.