Directed by Alexandre Courtes, the music video for "Go Up" performed by French-duo Cassius (featuring Cat Power and Pharrell Williams) is a simple concept of having two screens above or next to one another, but the way the shots play with each other to portray a different idea is edited together in a superb way. If creative ideas come from putting two opposing or contrasting ideas together then this is it.
There is no clear indication which shots were taken from a stock library, but it does seem as though the footage used wasn't all shot for the music video. It comforts me to know that the B-roll I often shoot could be used for something like this, I just need to get it onto a stock library and tag it correctly. Contrast between two concepts in your photos also makes for great shots. My advice here is that if you need to find a solution for a creative problem, mix elements together or bring in contrasting elements. This will surely spur up some new ideas or just de-clutter the mind if that's what you need to do. This, and shoot and upload your B-roll footage to a stock library and tag it correctly.
[via Fast Company]
Really well done. A few scenes made me crack up, like the fisherman.
wooowww!!! trippy... don't watch it when sleep derived after 12 hours of editing photos...