The Wednesday Rundown 12.15.10

Howdy, and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. For those who may be new to the site, my name is Jerrit, and I help Lee and Patrick go through all of the videos sent in to us by you, the readers. Not every video can make the front of FS but many videos do have a lot to offer. Instead of throwing all of these extra videos out, I compile my favorites (which are usually the most informative) each Wednesday so you can learn from them as well. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

Photoshop Magic:

Sometimes to snag those ladies you have to set that tolarance high on the magic wand. Yo you know what I am talking about.

Salsa Shoot:

I love the studio this is shot in. This is how every dance studio is pictured in my mine before I get there and just see a large mirror and ugly walls. Check out this video an fstopper made and his final images at the end. Great job and thanks for sending it in Andrei.

Workshop Shoot:

Shoots like this trigger creative ideas. Check out this video of a creative workshop that really get some ideas pumping. Thanks for sending this in Daf.

Light Writing:

I am a sucker for love, I can't lie. This looks like it took forever todo and plan. I hope she said yes! Thanks for the link Obadiah.

Jerrit Pruyn's picture

Jerrit Pruyn is a professional wedding photographer based in NYC. His work and articles have been featured on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, and Daily Mail.

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Actually, the Salsa photoshoot it was shot in the Art Museum, in Cluj Napoca, Romania :)

you guys are flawless with the updating! love how you always give me something to read/further explore! points for getting me to procrastinate on schoolwork even more :)

We are honored to help you procrastinate even more :P

Andrei, cool man. Looks like a amazing place.

That rap video was hilarious. And I also hope that she said yes to the proposal.

I like the salsa video, and I find it funny to see the guy having those expensive softboxes and octaboxes and lenses, but using a $13 trigger... :P

mannnnn. I'm supposed to be studying for finals, haha.

I told the guy not to film those :D

On the last video, I really hope that she lives in the building that the image was shot from. Every morning, she'll wake up, look out that window, and remember that proposal. I'm going to have to think of something like that.