The Wednesday Rundown 6.1.11

Howdy, and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. Did you miss Manhattanhenge today???This week we have a video on making panoramic pictures from the forums at fstoppers. Users go on the forum and post videos, ideas, techniques that can inspire shoots. I have posted pictures and ideas to bounce comments off of other users and received great feedback. This is the best place for feedback on the website. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.

Today was Manhattanhenge, an event that happens twice a year, were the sun lines up with the cross streets in Manhattan. Anyone snag an orginal photo?

Wider Angels: Panoramic Pictures:
A reader (Falcon Punch) takes us through his process of taking panoramic picutures. Falcon chooses a nice water fall background. The final images and more can be found on his site.

Wider Angles: An FStoppers BTS from Falcon Punch on Vimeo.

NYC Time Lapse:
I know we see a lot of time lapse, and a bunch from NYC, however this one was stunning. The hanging edge shots are a very nice change. This video is worth you time, check out more at .

Mindrelic - Manhattan in motion from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

Pool Shoot:Gustavo executes a solid pool shoot with two models. The video has a latin theme with a very nice stark white mansion in the back ground.

BTS: Revista Stylo Edicion 36 from LS MZA on Vimeo.

Fashion Shoot:A team of people came together and created a fashion shoot with multiple locations and looks. Most of the images look to be shot with natural or avalible light. Check out their final pictures on flicker.

Jerrit Pruyn's picture

Jerrit Pruyn is a professional wedding photographer based in NYC. His work and articles have been featured on Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Huffington Post, and Daily Mail.

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Wow that NYC timelapse is really great!  And you caught it 4 hours after it was posted....vera niyce

I would look like a scene from 'I Am Legend' if there were no cars.

NYC video was amazing!  Loved all the shots over the edge!  Legit!

Nice stuff

learned some new Panoramic tricks