Fstoppers.com has teamed up with Elia Locardi to produce Photographing The World: Landscape Photography & Post-processing. With 15 lessons and more than 12 hours of video content, this tutorial will take you from the on-location capture all the way through Elia's post-processing techniques in the studio. To produce a truly unique landscape tutorial unlike any other, we traveled to both Iceland and New Zealand so we could teach lessons in two completely different climates and seasons. From waterfalls and ice caves in Iceland to lakes and ocean sides in New Zealand, Photographing the World has something for everyone interested in landscape photography.
Meet Elia
Elia Locardi is an internationally acclaimed professional travel photographer, Fujifilm Global Ambassador, writer, public speaker and highly experienced educator who spends his life shooting some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Location independent since March of 2012, he and his wife live a 100% mobile lifestyle, perpetually traveling from country to country, continuously circling the globe. Since he began traveling full-time in 2009, he has visited more than 50 countries and flown over one million miles.
Using a combination of traditional in-camera techniques, targeted times of day, and advanced post-processing methods, Elia has developed a widely recognized and highly unique style of travel photography. With each photograph, his goal is to share his vision so others can see the world as he does, full of color, texture, depth and emotion. Fstoppers is excited to team up with Elia to share his photography process from the moment the image is captured all the way to the final post production rendering.
Here are a couple of Before and After Examples included in the Landscape Photography Tutorial
The full landscape photography tutorial is broken down into 15 lessons, plus an Intro to Gear and Intro to the Basics, which covers all of the gear, scouting tips, composition techniques, and camera settings Elia uses on a daily basis to create his stunning imagery. With the tutorial download, you will also receive access to his RAW files and reference Photoshop PSD files. This means you can follow along with your own edits as Elia teaches you every step of his streamlined workflow. From simple layer masking techniques to complex blending with luminosity masks, this tutorial will give you the tools to make stunning landscape photographs yourself.

This tutorial includes 15 lessons and post processing sessions
What’s included in the Digital Download:
12+ Hours of Video Content (1080p, 23.9fps, H.264 mpg4, over 25GB of material)
15 On Location and Studio Post-processing Lessons
Intro to the Basics of Photography
Overview of every piece of photography gear Elia uses and why
Full RAW files and companion software catalogs so you can follow along (Lightroom, PSD, and CaptureONE)
8 Behind the Scenes episodes of our experiences traveling and filming this incredible project
Private Elia Facebook Group access for extended education and photo sharing

Follow along and edit your own versions of each image
For these video tutorials, our goal is for you to be able to jump right in and create world class images from day one. So instead of teaching just the basic buttons, sliders and software, we are going to be working on the actual files we captured together in the field. As we go along, the complexity will ramp up, and new tools and techniques will be added in each lesson as you follow along. By the end of this tutorial you will know how to use Elia's workflow to produce stunning landscape images of your own.
What is covered in this tutorial:
- Photography Basics (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc)
- Overview of best lenses and gear for Landscape photography
- Tips for better composition
- Focus Stacking and maximizing depth of field
- Bracketing and multi exposure blending
- Graduated Neutral Density Filters
- Solid Neutral Density Filters
- Blurring water and skies with long exposures
- Building Panoramic images
- Dealing with Sun Flare
- Understanding Light (Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Sunrise and Sunset)
- Using lens compression to your advantage
- Removing and adding the human element into your images
- Polarizers
- Bracketing and multiple exposure blending
- RAW Processing and Editing Workflow
- Color correction and image adjustment
- Basic object removal, painting, and cloning
- Masking and Layering Techniques
- Introduction to Luminosity Masking
- Time Blending (combining exposures shot at different times)
When building the lessons for this tutorial, it was important for us to teach not only the technical aspects of landscape photography but also the creative and subjective artistry that makes this genre so popular. With this in mind, each lesson contains new challenges and new solutions to help you become better equipped when out in the field.
Please note that some of the tools that Elia uses during this tutorial have evolved since the time of filming. Specifically, some of the plug-ins are no longer fully supported by Photoshop, so you may need to use workarounds in order to install and utilize them. Additionally some of the plug-ins that previously cost money are now free. If you are interested in a plug-in free workflow, Elia only uses mainstream software in Photographing the World 3.
Bonus Fstoppers Behind the Scenes
As an extra bonus, Lee and Patrick have edited 8 short behind the scenes episode of their travels with Elia and Naomi Locardi. These videos act as a personal diary through both Iceland and New Zealand, giving you an intimate look into how each lesson was filmed and produced. Living life out of a suitcase while carrying 100s of pounds of camera gear isn't always the most glamorous lifestyle but it does makes for some great entertainment.
Two Additional Photographing the World Tutorials!
If you are not aware, Photographing the World 1 is only part of the Photographing the World series. If you are new to Elia's work or are looking for the most comprehensive education on landscape and cityscape photography, we have combined multiple tutorials below with additional savings. For more information on either of these other tutorials, head over to the tutorial page for Photographing the World 2 as well as Photographing the World 3.
I rarely spend money on training but I just had to get this one. Absolutely love it. It's great watching a professional doing what he does and laying it all out on the table. No secrets and all aspects are covered. It's highly entertaining, too. I just went to Iceland last June where I flew with my Phantom, so seeing all those places again was great.
Great photography and tutorials but I'd have a salt shaker handy for when he talks about gear.
Edit: I just finished the entire thing (it's a lot to take in) so I had to reiterate how educational the post processing was.
Unfortunately, I was a little put off by a few details that could have been corrected in video production. For example, in the Aurora tutorial he goes into great detail about using a particular camera and lens but no mention is made of the fact he (wisely, I think) uses photos from a different combination. It's kinda like paying $25 for a novel which includes obviously paid-for product endorsements throughout (I thought the wrist thingies, during post, were a bit much). Having said that, the music was awesome and had an enormous impact on the entire production. Can't wait for the sequel and, having vented, won't be so nit-picky with it.
Why is that? He uses both a flagship Nikon and a basic Fuji mirrorless. The nice thing about landscape photography is you do not need top of the line lenses because in most cases you are shooting at f8-11 anyways.
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Hello Elia,
I'm interested to buy your course. I'm Italian and I ask if they are provided Italian subtitles (in honor of your origins!). It would make the product more attractive port to the international market. Thank you !
Putting subtitles on a 12 hour video could cost over $10,000. I'm afraid we can't afford to do it.
Not to mention that would only cover Spanish....adding multi languages would be a nightmare.
I was too hesitant at first to purchase this tutorial but since I've always wanted to learn the post-processing techniques of Elia, I bit the bullet. And boy was I wrong to hesitate on the first place. I haven't gone yet through the actual lessons and I just finished watching the Introduction, Gear and all the BTS episodes, and I just can't find the right words to say how much I appreciate you guys for coming up with this fantastic idea of teaming up with the world's best travel and landscape photographer of this generation.
Watching the BTS shows the dedication of everyone, specially Lee from waking up too early for a couple of days. I specially love the bungee jump/swing drop episode, Elia wasn't able to join you guys there?
Looking forward for the cityscape and astrophotography episodes. Again, great job on this very successful tutorial, guys. Elia and Naomi, always keep safe. Cheers for a job well done.
I am a huge Fan of Elia Locardi. I have no doubt on the quality of this tutorial regarding the price. I have just one question for Fstoppers before getting it : If you drop the price in the future, are you willing to refund the difference ?
We give everyone a 30 price match policy. However, we have yet to drop the price on any of our tutorials yet. Sometimes we run specials during the holidays and we honor that price difference if you bought it within the 30 day window.
Tutorial looks great and Im trying to make the purchase but every time I try and check out via the shopping cart Im greeted with a 'ERROR'. Happens with both PayPal and direct Visa payment. Contacted the support team but no answer. Would love to get my hands on it though but I keep getting declined.
Does it ask you to login or type or credit card? I just tested it on my cell and both checkout options work for me. Could your IP or country be blocking the PayPal portal?
Thanks for getting back to me Patrick. I have tried with and without paypal. Haven't had problems with Paypal in the past. Im not sure if my country is blocking the portal. Im based in South Africa.
Hmmm, yeah I'm not really sure what is going on there. Are you able to call paypal and tell them what is happening (or email them)? If you have a screen capture of the error, I can try to solve it on my end.
Hi guys,
Greetings from Vietnam!
I would love to purchase the tutorial and wondering how long will the "delivery to Vietnam" take in case I select the physical USB?
The usb usually ships within 12 days. Some people have received it within the 12 days and others have had a few extra days depending on their country. Shouldn't be longer than 3 weeks though
Thanks :D should start waiting!
Hello Elia, finally had the chance to complete all of this wonderful lessons. A bit of background, I first came across your name while watching Scott Kelby, then started following your website and hoped to meet you one day, which finally happened during your latest trip to Singapore with your wife Naomi, and participated in your Fuji Photowalk.
After eagerly waiting, I bought this tutorial as soon as it was made available. This tutorial in every sense is of awesome quality, content rich in Landscape Photography and your amazing talent in post. This is a keeper for life.
Fstoppers, I am also your new fan, this is the 3rd tutorial I have bought, first with Mike Kelley's: Where Art Meets Architecture, and then followed by Dylan Patrick's The Cinematic Headshot. Please continue to create awesome content, and I shall be your loyal customer for life.
Can't wait for the next set of tutorials from Elia, Lee/Patrick.
Awesome job guys.
Hi Fstoppers team,
In the making of series, you mention 7 countries and cityscapes, we even see Elia Locardi in action in a city.
But when I read the introduction on the top of this page, its showing 2 countries instead of 7 and no cityscapes.
Is it a second project in production or was dropped from the scope ?
Thank you again for your answer.
This tutorial only covers landscapes. We shoot many lessons throughout Iceland and New Zealand but they all focus only on natural landscapes.
We are currently wrapping up a second tutorial on only Cityscapes and Advanced Post Processing. It covers ancient and modern cities and it should be released around Dec/Jan.
I have been following Elia and his work for a while now and was immediately interested when I saw that he was working on this tutorial. I ordered as soon as it was available and started watching the lessons. First, the production is first rate. You can see that a lot of effort went into creating a very professional looking product. With every lesson I learned something, but most importantly after watching the tutorial it got me to think differently when I go out shooting. I now think about more than just composition, f-stop, etc, but trying to visualize the end result and what type of shots I need to have to be able to post process into the result I want. I have started incorporating the tips and techniques from the lessons and can see a definite improvement in results.
Hat's off to Elia, Naomi, Patrick and Lee. I am anxiously waiting for part 2.
Looks very interesting. I see Elia use a Wacom tablet in some sections. Is one required or optional and is there any instructions on how to use one if required?
You can do everything he does with a mouse. A Wacom tablet, properly used, can make your edits more subtle though. WARNING! It takes a lot of practice (we're talking MONTHS at a minimum) to become proficient with them.
thanks Patrick - I understand that part. What I was wondering is if he at all touches on how he utilizes it or if that's not part of the tutorial at all.
He does not. I could point you to a good tutorial but I did that with a question regarding luminosity masking and it was deleted. I guess they don't want to promote other companies even when they don't offer a competing product.
very nice
Dear F Stoppers
That one is on my must get list !!
I wish you guys would offer the lessons one by one too. So we could pick what we feel we need the most, as this price is (even though it's surely fair) quite high for a student like me. I'm not implying that I know everything and therefore only need one lesson of the pack, just that I might be more interested in one special section more than another one and could get them one after the other.
My thoughts exactly. The same applies for those who are more experienced in post-processing but would only prefer to have an overview or sneak peek of the current workflow of Elia which they can apply on their own workflow for post-processing improvement.
I don't think that would work. They're very accumulative and how would you know where to jump in? As you watch more and more tutorials, you'll spend a greater percentage of your time seeing stuff you already know but will be well rewarded with the smaller and smaller percentages of knowledge you pick up. If you ever think you have nothing left to learn, get a different hobby.
This looks like an incredible e-learning course. Mentioned is ALL the different equipment you used. Being amateur with one camera and not all the fancy equipment or wacom or Apple electronics, will I still benefit and be able to use what I learn with limited equipment? Also as someone else mentioned, the post work is something I am wondering if one can really follow step by step or it goes fast and assumes the student knows where and which tool is being used. Sure looks beautiful!
You can do everything he does w/o fancy equipment, but you really should have a tripod and polarizing filter or neutral density filter for some of the situations.
He's very good at bringing you along step by step. And equally important, after he's gone over a concept enough times that you should understand it, he doesn't belabor the point.
Is it possible to get the list of Gears used in this course? I am yet to purchase this course offering..
Круто !!!
Fantastic job!!
Elia, Patrick, Lee and team have done a brilliant job slowly introducing the work flow from shoot to retouch. This set starts with the basics leading up to more slightly complex retouching and gives you an insight into the creativity of how Elia approaches his images and how much thought and dedication is involved.
Have applied some techniques to older images and can already see the difference.
Looking forward to the next supplement guys....when do you think this is due to be released?
Hello there guys, just wondering if this include the cityscape guide or is it going to be a different one, thanks for everything! keep going
The cityscape tutorial is a separate product that we are still editing and should be released next year.
$100 for a USB stick? Ouch
World is full of tutorials, some good and some not that good, and there is many different ways to learn something if you wish too, but 300$ -260€ is way to expensive - this is most expensive photography tutorial in the world by now as far as I know.. I would like to see it, and to learn something from Elia, I like him a lot, but price is to high and it's like it is forbiden for a thousands photographers whom live out of rich countries. I think 30$ is decent price and you will make more money that way. No doubt this must be excellent tutorial...but...dont let "torrent" guy make money out of your work. Best regards.
AN Awesome Tutorial. Well Worth the cost. Having been to both countries, the tutorials not only brought back fond memories but really showed me how to tap the potential of the images I took/ I cannot wait until the 2nd tutorial is released!
Good stuff!
Can't wait til I can afford rhe tutorial! Watching clips on YouTube...and love it! I want to travel the world like Elia...amazing!
Very interesting course, this great work that you guys did - great, but in our country the crisis is now so the price are increased by 2 times. $ 600 is a lot, and maybe more. Maybe later, when the rate of $ stabilize.
Wish to buy it in future
thanks, elia and your team for putting effort to make this tutorial. This is awesome i learned so much from this tutorial. Question to Elia how do you know so much about post processing techniques man. thanks for making it so simple and easy to learn.
Dear FStoppers, If I'm purchasing it now, will i be only getting this edition (Iceland &NZ) or am i getting auto subscribed to all the coming ones (Italy, Singapore etc)? Than you
Only to the NZ/Iceland. The Cityscape tutorial which was shot in major Asian countries will be sold separately. Sad I know.
Yes, Cityscapes and Astrophotography are a completely separate tutorial that we will be releasing in Dec/Jan. We will have a early bird special for those who bought the Landscapes edition and we will probably package both together for a discount as well. The second tutorial is just as Epic as the first one and contains a lot more culture and variety in shooting situations. The BTS might even be better as well.
If I need to purchase this in India thru USB, is that option available to me?
Yes, the USB option ships world wide. I believe it takes 2-3 weeks to arrive but we offered it just to help those out who have slower download speeds or are charged for data usage.