Fstoppers.com has teamed up with Elia Locardi to produce Photographing The World: Landscape Photography & Post-processing. With 15 lessons and more than 12 hours of video content, this tutorial will take you from the on-location capture all the way through Elia's post-processing techniques in the studio. To produce a truly unique landscape tutorial unlike any other, we traveled to both Iceland and New Zealand so we could teach lessons in two completely different climates and seasons. From waterfalls and ice caves in Iceland to lakes and ocean sides in New Zealand, Photographing the World has something for everyone interested in landscape photography.
Meet Elia
Elia Locardi is an internationally acclaimed professional travel photographer, Fujifilm Global Ambassador, writer, public speaker and highly experienced educator who spends his life shooting some of the most beautiful locations in the world. Location independent since March of 2012, he and his wife live a 100% mobile lifestyle, perpetually traveling from country to country, continuously circling the globe. Since he began traveling full-time in 2009, he has visited more than 50 countries and flown over one million miles.
Using a combination of traditional in-camera techniques, targeted times of day, and advanced post-processing methods, Elia has developed a widely recognized and highly unique style of travel photography. With each photograph, his goal is to share his vision so others can see the world as he does, full of color, texture, depth and emotion. Fstoppers is excited to team up with Elia to share his photography process from the moment the image is captured all the way to the final post production rendering.
Here are a couple of Before and After Examples included in the Landscape Photography Tutorial
The full landscape photography tutorial is broken down into 15 lessons, plus an Intro to Gear and Intro to the Basics, which covers all of the gear, scouting tips, composition techniques, and camera settings Elia uses on a daily basis to create his stunning imagery. With the tutorial download, you will also receive access to his RAW files and reference Photoshop PSD files. This means you can follow along with your own edits as Elia teaches you every step of his streamlined workflow. From simple layer masking techniques to complex blending with luminosity masks, this tutorial will give you the tools to make stunning landscape photographs yourself.

This tutorial includes 15 lessons and post processing sessions
What’s included in the Digital Download:
12+ Hours of Video Content (1080p, 23.9fps, H.264 mpg4, over 25GB of material)
15 On Location and Studio Post-processing Lessons
Intro to the Basics of Photography
Overview of every piece of photography gear Elia uses and why
Full RAW files and companion software catalogs so you can follow along (Lightroom, PSD, and CaptureONE)
8 Behind the Scenes episodes of our experiences traveling and filming this incredible project
Private Elia Facebook Group access for extended education and photo sharing

Follow along and edit your own versions of each image
For these video tutorials, our goal is for you to be able to jump right in and create world class images from day one. So instead of teaching just the basic buttons, sliders and software, we are going to be working on the actual files we captured together in the field. As we go along, the complexity will ramp up, and new tools and techniques will be added in each lesson as you follow along. By the end of this tutorial you will know how to use Elia's workflow to produce stunning landscape images of your own.
What is covered in this tutorial:
- Photography Basics (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc)
- Overview of best lenses and gear for Landscape photography
- Tips for better composition
- Focus Stacking and maximizing depth of field
- Bracketing and multi exposure blending
- Graduated Neutral Density Filters
- Solid Neutral Density Filters
- Blurring water and skies with long exposures
- Building Panoramic images
- Dealing with Sun Flare
- Understanding Light (Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Sunrise and Sunset)
- Using lens compression to your advantage
- Removing and adding the human element into your images
- Polarizers
- Bracketing and multiple exposure blending
- RAW Processing and Editing Workflow
- Color correction and image adjustment
- Basic object removal, painting, and cloning
- Masking and Layering Techniques
- Introduction to Luminosity Masking
- Time Blending (combining exposures shot at different times)
When building the lessons for this tutorial, it was important for us to teach not only the technical aspects of landscape photography but also the creative and subjective artistry that makes this genre so popular. With this in mind, each lesson contains new challenges and new solutions to help you become better equipped when out in the field.
Please note that some of the tools that Elia uses during this tutorial have evolved since the time of filming. Specifically, some of the plug-ins are no longer fully supported by Photoshop, so you may need to use workarounds in order to install and utilize them. Additionally some of the plug-ins that previously cost money are now free. If you are interested in a plug-in free workflow, Elia only uses mainstream software in Photographing the World 3.
Bonus Fstoppers Behind the Scenes
As an extra bonus, Lee and Patrick have edited 8 short behind the scenes episode of their travels with Elia and Naomi Locardi. These videos act as a personal diary through both Iceland and New Zealand, giving you an intimate look into how each lesson was filmed and produced. Living life out of a suitcase while carrying 100s of pounds of camera gear isn't always the most glamorous lifestyle but it does makes for some great entertainment.
Two Additional Photographing the World Tutorials!
If you are not aware, Photographing the World 1 is only part of the Photographing the World series. If you are new to Elia's work or are looking for the most comprehensive education on landscape and cityscape photography, we have combined multiple tutorials below with additional savings. For more information on either of these other tutorials, head over to the tutorial page for Photographing the World 2 as well as Photographing the World 3.
You can follow along and try to recreate the shot in Lightroom or Adobe raw or you can download the free trial of capture one. Most of Elia's magic happens in Photoshop after raw processing.
Dear Fstoppers, Elia! The price is quite high but going through the first picture example did already worth it! Thanks and keep up the great work!
Is he using predominantly Lightroom or Capture One for raw processing in this series? Thanks for any info.
Lightroom for landscapes and capture one for cityscapes
Hi, I have an Adobe Creative Cloud membership. I see Elia uses Lightroom for landscapes and Capture One for Cityscapes. Is that a must?.
no not at all. You can use whatever RAW processing software you want. Elia uses a lot of Capture One but for the more simple Landscape tutorial he starts off with Lightroom. You can literally use either or even Photoshop RAW to do your adjustments for 95% of the initial edits.
I am very interested in this course but watching the free video i see that google nik is used in the post process. Now that google has stopped updating or supporting that plugin how useful would the lessons be?
Elia shows a bunch of different ways to achieve similar results throughout his entire PTW series. Concerning the Nik software, it's actually probably good news because the plugin is totally free where as it was something you had to buy when Elia started teaching this material. I'm not sure on if they are completely abandoning the software but everything Elia uses Nik for can be done with the free software so you don't have to worry that something is out of date.
The most I had paid for a tutorial was USD125 and that too was with a lot of anxiety! And then I come across this. There's no way I'm spending that much money! But it was close to the end of the year and Christmas was round the corner. I thought WTH, and splurged on the course. I have watched the tutorials over and over and each time I pick up something new. I have absolutely no regrets in my decision. This is by far the best set of tutorials/lessons I have seen. Elia's demeanor and temperament are infectious and I have not tired of watching them. He starts with a very basic workflow involving Lightroom and Photoshop and with each subsequent lesson introduces a new technique. Not just that, he explains each point in such a way that it's not difficult to follow. A great learning experience.
I just bought the course. I am wondering do I miss anything if I choose not to download the two BTS lessons since the videos are already on the website and Youtube. Also, if I decide to purchase the cityscape series later, am I able to take advantage of the bundle price ($100 off)?
The BTS series is the same that is on Youtube. We do not offer bundle discounts when tutorials are purchased separately but we do occasionally run sales and you should have gotten a 10% discount code in your purchase email.
Olá, gostaria de saber se possui material disponivel online ou video com tradudor.
Hello, I would like to know if you have material available online or video with translation.
No, I'm sorry we do not have this product translated
Thank you Elia and Fstoppers, this is such a wonderful course – one of the best I have seen so far.
I am no beginner, nor a professional – so I decided to view all the sections, even the one where you explain the basic controls. Although I didn’t learn much there, I must say that the presentation is ‘Outstanding’. You get right to the point and follow up with the relative ones. I really like the way you threw in the neutral density filters just after the exposure triangle. What a great place to integrate that info.
Just have one question so far about the Adobe RGB settings in camera vs the SGRB one.
I’m a little lost here because some argue that whatever the settings you choose in your camera it will make no difference when shooting in RAW because it will automatically select a native color space which will not be SRGB (and may not even be adobe Adobe RGB for that matter). It will only matter when shooting in JPG format where it will apply it – although it will affect the photo preview in your camera even when shooting in RAW because it will base its screen output with the chosen settings.
Since Adobe RGB are not well displayed on LCD screens, why would one choose to select Adobe RGB in your camera settings to view a preview that will not be displayed as well as an SRGB one?
Maybe I got it all wrong here, and if I do please correct me.
Thanks for the kind words Rejean. Yes, if you are shooting raw, there is no difference in choosing AdobeRGB or sRGB. The raw file does not use narrow your files down to sRGB even if you choose it. As for the image displayed on your LCD, I believe that is simply the small jpeg thumbnail that is embedded into the raw file. I've never really considered it but maybe those files have gotten larger and larger as the sensor's megapixel count has gone up because you are able to zoom into the files on the back of the screen. My guess is those jpegs are all sRGB but I could be wrong. You should be able to do a quick test and set your camera to both color spaces and see if the resulting LCD jpeg looks different.
In the end though, yes, a raw file set to sRGB will not take on that color space when you import it into your raw editor and this is why so many people complain about their color when uploading to the web. They fail to export their final 8 bit jpegs to sRGB and usually Adobe RGB looks awful when rendered in web browsers. Hope that answers your question.
That was a quick response. And yes that answers all my questions so far.
Like all the support you give. I'm pursing the course and I already learned great tools, like the Scripts/Statistics/Median tool which I will surely use.
Many thanks to all the team!
May I know what are the differences for two different rates of $499.99 and $299.99 respectively?
There are currently 2 different tutorials. Each one is $299. If you buy both you can save $100.
I would like to know if using CS 6 will work to follow Elia? I have have Capture one No problem and LR no problem but I only CS 6. Will that work to get the job done? Thank you so much I want to know before I put out the funds I didn't see anyone ask this question and when looking at product it doesn't get which photoshop Elia is using. Thats it.
Elia was using Photoshop CC 2014 I believe. Yes you should be able to follow around easily with CS6 as most of the techniques are things you can use with older version of PS. However, PS does add some new features all the time but Elia does teach enough that you can do those without those new tools.
Thanks Patrick, for your reply now I sitting on fence on which to buy 1 & 2 or 2 & 3. For me I love both land but love Cities. I shoot at this point mostly mirrorless Xt 1 camera but I do still use my old Nikon D 700 which I love with some great glass from both Nikon and Zeiss.
Any input would be great I would love to step my work. And believe I need to some inspiration. And your videos look so great .
Elia would recommend you start with 1 and work your way to 3 but I think it depends on how comfortable you are with blending multiple exposures and doing complex masking. If you have a good handle on that, I would suggest jumping to 2 because you like Cityscapes. However, if making complex selections from channels is something unfamiliar to you, I would start with 1.
thank you so much, I've gone with P W C 2 I feel it puts me right where I belong. Funny thing he's shooting with a Nikon and Fuji both are my cameras so I really did the right thing. I can get knowledge on both my cameras at one time I'm jazz.
It took forever to upload this but I realize I will have get a new drive because I'm sure I will buy PW C 3 later. Super. Thanks again,
hello. i cant see streaming because of my bad internet conection. if i buy this product i have to download it by parts in my ofice and watch it on later at home. can i do this? or this prduct is only for streaming?
Yes, you can download this at work and then move the files home.
I'm really interested in the landscape tutorials as I feel I've reached a plateau with my photography. However, I'm in the UK so I'll get a poor exchange rate plus credit card foreign currency fees if I purchase in US$. Is there an option to purchase in UK pounds? Thanks
Hi, I'm interested in buying Elia Locardi tutorials but I'm wondering if there is some guidance on the post-production equipment as I saw a drawing tablet used. Also, there is there some preset involved? I just like to quantify the cost?
There is maybe already a question covering what I asked so if you can refer it to me it will be good enough.
Elia does go over his workflow and gear but none of it is absolutely needed. You can do it all with just your mouse. There are some extra plugins he uses but some of them are free now.
This is by far the best tutorial I have come across that truly inspires me to go out and take some more landscape photos. As an armature landscape photographer I must say that just by watching the first lesson I got so much learned so much about getting the right composition, camera settings and post-processing.
I have watched a lot of Youtube videos and learn very little because people just say what they get paid for, not in all cases and I am not judging, but it is sometime very hard to find good tutorials.
Will definitely buy the full tutorial! Thanks so much Elia and Fstoppers, best this ever :)
I saw all of the free lectures released from this and all i have to say is... wow!
I wonder, do you plan do reduce the price of this as time goes by? Of course i understand that the cost of producing such a work is really high, but it definitely hurts being a student and not having the money to invest in this great work.
I saw all of the free lectures released from this and all i have to say is... wow!
I wonder, do you plan do reduce the price of this as time goes by? Of course i understand that the cost of producing such a work is really high, but it definitely hurts being a student and not having the money to invest in this great work.
Hey Elia and Fstoppers.
I'm thinking of buying this tutorial, only having a question.
Next to LR and PS do i need more programs/add-on's to have for this tutorial?
In this first tutorial, Elia uses Nik Collection and it is now free.
Hi, how many raw files are included in the tutorial for us to practice with?
anybody know the link to download the episodes once the set has already been purchased? Could only download two episodes at a time before I had to shut down my computer and leave... now I can't find the link. Not in receipt, not on website....
Quick question, a few lessons in and havn't heard Elia mention where his focus point is, are we assuming he is just focusing to infinity?
Watched the preview and very impressed, but $300 bucks. Wow .. way too expensive for me.
What is the '12+ hour digital download' ??
Is it all three episodes of elia's training video.
I don't see a description of what you get!?
This page is for Photographing the world 1 which is a 12 hour digital download. You can watch the promo video at the top of the page and read about this tutorial. We have also filmed photographing the world 2 and 3 and you can see more info on each of those at fstoppers.com/store. At the bottom of this post, above these comments, you can purchase more than one tutorial at the same time and save money.
I cringe whenever I see these commercials. They are great photographers, no doubt, but everything they are selling to you in these tutorials and more is already available for free if you just do a Google search. If you want to spend the money that's fine, maybe you just want to support them and I have no qualms with that. But, if your just an average Joe who doesn't want to spend a thousand dollars to learn how to take photos then don't fret, all the knowledge you could ever need is already online, for free, in both video and text.
Hi. I fell very comfortable with Lightroom and Nik Collection, but not with photoshop. Do you guys believe than this training is adequate, in order to build Photoshop from basics, or should I invest in photoshop specific training and come back later?
I don't think you will have any trouble following along. If you do, we will happily give you a refund.
I am completely new to landscape but felt like I needed a new challange. The video series is expensive for me, I'm used to watching stuff on youtube but I thought I would invest anyway. I am so glad I did. The tutorials are brilliantly made and Elia is an natural teacher as well as world class artist. I am over the moon with my purchase and I'm looking forward to investing in some of the others in the series when I have enought cash. It has given me the confidence I need to go out into the field and start photographing. What I found most reealing is the ammount of effort that goes into one image. I'd never really thought about spending a couple of days on location for one raw image and then spending so much time in photoshop polishing it. Saying that I am chuffed this is the case and expains why these photos stand out from the crowd. Thanks to everyone involved with this.
Greetings! I’m eager to purchase this but the disclaimer about certain plugins or programs no longer being available in 2019 is causing me to hesitate. Is it safe to say that I won’t run into any major issue purchasing this five years since it’s been released? Thanks!
Greetings! I’m eager to purchase this but the disclaimer about certain plugins or programs no longer being available in 2019 is causing me to hesitate. Is it safe to say that I won’t run into any major issue purchasing this five years since it’s been released? Thanks!
Hello Fstoppers,
I'm very interested in picking up this tutorial, but had a few questions before I bite the bullet.
1. Currently i'm using lightroom and a little bit of Photoshop, however I've never used capture one, will i be able to fully go through all the tutorials with the programs i have, or am i going to be limited by the lack of capture one?
2. Though i do take the occasional landscape shot, i generally do Cityscape shooting, however my knowledge in post processing is limited. I saw Elia's second tutorial focuses on this, and while i'm interested, it noted the use of more advanced techniques. Would it be better if I use this first tutorial as a stepping stone to make my way to the second tutorial, or would i be able to make the jump immediately?
3. Might have missed it in the trailer, but will this tutorial also be covering video editing, and if so what portion of the complete tutorial does it make up. I only do photography and while video editing interests me, i'd rather be focusing on the photo processing.
Thank you in advance
why aren't you using more recent Photoshop? 2004? really? Nik collection crashes PS in PS 2020. I'm new to photoshop and its impossible to duplicate your workflow...very frustrating.
It’s been seven years since release. How difficult is it going to be to replicate editing and workflow when we’re now multiple generations of software removed from when this tutorial was made? If someone could answer this it would be appreciated. It’s the only thing providing hesitation before purchasing.
As far as I know, the software in this tutorial can do everything I could back then plus more so you shouldn't have any issue not just replicating Elia's technique but surpassing it with the new tools. Keep in mind that we have a 100% money-back guarantee plus we have newer tutorials with Elia if you want more up-to-date software.