Teaching a Landscape Photographer How to Photograph Wildlife

Are you a landscape photographer wanting to start photographing wildlife? You may have the art of landscape photography figured out, but photographing wildlife is a whole other challenge. Don’t let that deter you, as this video shares several fantastic tips for getting started.

Thomas Heaton sits with Simon D'Entremont, a professional nature and wildlife photographer, to discuss how a landscape photographer can learn to create compelling wildlife images. During this video interview, Heaton asks D'Entremont many great questions to help provide a framework for photographing wildlife.

As landscape photographers, we know composition is important, but photographing wildlife has its own nuances to creating wonderful images. How do you frame your subject? How high or low should the camera be? How do you avoid the boring blue sky shots? All of this advice comes out during Heaton and D'Entremont’s talks.

Heaton inquires about camera settings in the faster-moving world of wildlife photography. D'Entremont explains the basic settings he works with, including suggested shutter speeds for certain scenes and using your ISO to facilitate the shutter speed and aperture you need.

I found this video filled with valuable advice on how to get started photographing wildlife the right way. The demonstration of the difference camera height can make in the resulting image was remarkable. I also appreciated the advice on how to make interesting images from your local area for those who can’t travel to faraway places.

Jeffrey Tadlock's picture

Jeffrey Tadlock is an Ohio-based landscape photographer with frequent travels regionally and within the US to explore various landscapes. Jeffrey enjoys the process and experience of capturing images as much as the final image itself.

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