Adobe Stock Offers One-Year Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription for Free

Adobe Stock Offers One-Year Adobe Creative Cloud Subscription for Free

Not everyone is a fan of micro stock photography, but you can still earn something as a contributor; even a free Creative Cloud subscription from Adobe.

After incorporating Fotolia, to encourage its contributors and grow its library, Adobe Stock is offering a free one-year Adobe Creative Cloud subscription to the top contributors. This giveaway consists of the Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan and the more expensive and extensive all-apps plan, in which you can access more than twenty Adobe desktop and mobile apps.  

To qualify for these offers, you must meet certain criteria. To redeem the Creative Cloud Photography plan, you must have at least 300 images (including vectors and illustrations) approved or $500 earned from your royalties between January 1 and December 31, 2018. To be eligible for the more exclusive all-apps plan, you must have 300 approved videos in your portfolio or minimum $500 earned from video content between January 1 and December 31, 2018. Therefore, you can get all Adobe apps (worth $600) free for one year. If you already meet the criteria, you will automatically receive your free subscription plan from Adobe.

These offers are limited to first 2,000 contributors for the all-apps plan and 20,000 contributors for the Creative Cloud Photography Plan. To learn more about the official rules and other details, you can check this link.

What do you think about this offer? Would you challenge yourself to upload more content for a one-year Adobe CC subscription plan? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Burak Erzincanli's picture

Burak is a photographer and creative retoucher specialising in fashion and advertising, working with international clients from Canada, Europe and Australia.

Currently lives and works in Manchester, UK.

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