Apple's Camera Shutter Sound Was Recorded From a Canon AE-1

Apple's Camera Shutter Sound Was Recorded From a Canon AE-1

You’ve probably heard it thousands of times. Now, learn the story behind how Apple’s camera shutter sound effect made its way to iPhones and Mac computers around the world.

In a recent interview with CNBC, the Apple sound designer behind many of the iconic beeps and bloops on the Mac, Jim Reekes, shares the origin of their naming and compositions. As it turns out, it’s a film camera from the 1970s that was personally owned by Reekes since high school behind the ubiquitous iPhone camera click and screenshot sound effect on Mac. It was recorded from a Canon AE-1 and then slowed down to create the custom sound we know today.

Even to this day, Reekes still seems to not be used to his recording being played everywhere he goes. “When I hear people take photos with their iPhone I look to see who stole my camera,” Reekes told CNBC. Although he exited Apple in the late 1990s and is out of the sound design business, he still likes to use his previous work as a way to start conversations with strangers. “Hey, I made that sound!”

Check out the CNBC’s full profile on Reekes to learn what other iconic sounds he created.

Photo by Henry Marsh via Pexels.

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Ryan Mense is a wildlife cameraperson specializing in birds. Alongside gear reviews and news, Ryan heads selection for the Fstoppers Photo of the Day.

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