Escaping Hustle Culture: A Photographer’s Journey to Better Work-Life Balance

Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, especially when you're passionate about your career. Nonetheless, finding that balance is crucial for longevity as a photographer. 

Coming to you from Scott Choucino with Tin House Studio, this candid video explores his personal journey as he almost ruined his career by falling into the trap of hustle culture. He shares his experience of juggling multiple roles—running a YouTube channel, offering one-on-one mentorship, selling workshops, and working as a photographer and agent. Choucino’s story highlights the importance of not letting work define your identity and serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of overworking and neglecting personal life.

Choucino’s tale becomes more relatable as he introduces a new element to his life: Teddy, a 13-week-old Golden Retriever. The puppy forces him to step away from the constant grind and brings unexpected positive changes. Choucino mentions that despite taking a month off to care for Teddy, his income remained stable. The need to attend to Teddy's frequent demands led Choucino to a more structured daily routine, ultimately improving his overall efficiency and creativity.

The video also touches on the broader issue of hustle culture. Choucino admits to having toxic traits that pushed him to constantly seek more work and success. This led to a cycle of inefficiency and burnout. His experience is a powerful reminder that constant work without adequate breaks can diminish your motivation and productivity. The presence of Teddy forces him to take regular breaks, which he found beneficial for his mental health and creativity. This change in routine allowed him to generate better creative ideas, something he struggled with while immersed in the hustle culture.

While he doesn’t recommend everyone go out and get a dog, he emphasizes the importance of stepping back from work and finding time for yourself. This approach can lead to greater efficiency and better work quality. The video is a compelling reminder that sometimes, doing less can actually help you achieve more. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Choucino.

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Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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