You can have unbelievable landscape photographs ,but it might be difficult to make money. You can have a stunning artistic shot, but if there isn't a celebrity or product in the photograph, it's difficult to make money. If you love to take pictures for purely personal enjoyment, this article won't add much to your life. This is for the people who want to make money from their work.
For now, here is the shortcut to help you out.
Would you like your images hanging in small hotels and B&B's? This is an option many people don't explore, and it's a win/win moment for everyone. Quite honestly, I'd rather have my work hanging in a boutique hotel instead of a major chain. I'm entirely okay with saying my work is currently hanging at the "so and so hotel" and adding a fake French accent for decoration. You cannot do that with your local Hilton.
Staging companies are a big deal, and in places with high real estate value, they add much to the market. Real estate agents look to staging companies to move expensive property. Do you know what clients who buy expensive homes want? They want unique art. Do you know what photographers who sell art prints want? They want clients who appreciate their work. It's another win/win!
Your work should be in movies! Seriously, tv and film productions need the artwork to furnish the sets. They pay a lot, they have budgets, rules, quick turnarounds, and they don't want headaches. You need exposure and bragging rights.
There is money in art prints, and I wanted to present a few new ways that are proven. The video provides far more detail to help you out.

Walid Azami Photography/Katie Rodgers Paint
Here are a few more notes about selling any kind of photography prints. Art is different for each person, and one person rejecting you isn't a consensus. There are people who consider art things shot only on film. There are other photographers who insist photographing colored smoke is artistic and original. We get a full spectrum, but you have a place on that spectrum, no matter what people tell you.
Your work is deserving of being on a wall, and you are deserving of charging for your work. If you're going to sell art prints, be prepared to have really deep lows and amazing highs. Unlike an e-commerce shoot, art prints are highly personal. When they reject the work, it may feel they're rejecting you. When they embrace your art, it feels like you're the MVP. Learn to appreciate the highs, but also learn to be compassionate to yourself during the lows.
Put a print on the wall. Some people will think it's garbage, while others won't be able to stop looking at it. You cannot let either situation stop you from sharing your work with the world!
Good ideas. Watch the local newspapers for new construction as they are in the mood to spend money and have tasteful art on the walls especially if it's local.
Good tip!
Okay, so my goal this year is to take my hobby of landscape/seascape photography and turn it into a business. So, to say I've watched my share of these "How to make photography your business" videos is an understatement. My guess is, I've watched 50-60 videos, and I can't even count how many blog posts I've read.
With that said, I can say without the slightest hesitation, this is the BEST video I've seen on the subject.
Why it's different than the rest:
1. He tells you specifics. None of this, work harder, make network connections, visit trade shows without getting into any of the specific selling points. Instead, in this video he says, "skip big hotel chains, go to boutique hotels, and here's why." Then goes into the specific reasons, and then gives you selling points to them. Lease possibly instead of purchase. Make things unique to them. These are actionable points.
2. Keeps it short and to the point. I never once felt like he was trying to stretch the video. He came at the subject directly, established why I should listen to him, then got to the points.
3. He gave actionable steps. Again, and this ties into the first point. It wasn't full of umbrella statements. It was, "Want to have your work in movies? Contact art departments, and here's how you sell it to them..." Nearly every video
Nearly every other video I've watched never give the actionable side; they never go into the "how to sell it" side of it all. They might say go to trade shows and talk to someone. Who? What do I say? How do I pitch? In this short video we get the who, but then we also get the "what to do," and that for me is what set this video apart from every other video I've seen thus far.
Thank you! I've been trying to keep my videos shorter cause I can go on and on, and that long comment means a lot. I appreciate it.
I do understand why other videos do this. It's profitable for them because you watch one video hoping there's a good tip and likely it's not there. Then right after they suggest another video, seemingly a part II and you go and on down the rabbit hole. The goal is to skip the value and keep dangling the carrot.
For the channel that hosts such videos, they are rewarded by Youtube, as you kept the viewer on the platform longer and it means they rank higher. They also receive much of their revenue from ads. Giving all the answers in one video limits their revenue. To me it seems dishonest, but each person can run their channel as they wish.
I promised myself non-clickbait videos and no-bullsh*t content. That means I'll have a channel that'll grow much slower as the downside.
well based on the video and your freebie at the end i signed up for the mentor group you have. looking forward to it
Lots of excellent sales ideas here!
Thank you Zack!
To me this is a best part "If you're going to sell art prints, be prepared to have really deep lows and amazing highs"
I like realism of this article. You don't have to have award winning art or landscape images, you just need to find somebody who likes them. If you intend to make money in photography or any other business that offers products you need to know who to sell to and how to do it. It is a skill that many people underestimate. Even a best mousetrap needs to be sold to somebody who needs it and the best parts of article are ideas for potential market and how to approach it. Also it isn't sugar coated. In any sales you will be facing rejection. He prepares you to it and encourages you to continue on until you find your buyer. Good article and good video.
Good ideas . I should check these options
Great post and ideas, thank you for sharing. I like the idea of reaching out to staging companies for real estate. Look forward to the video.